Richardson: Towns should have option to let illegal immigrants vote locally
The town's state representative said yesterday that cities and towns should have the option to grant illegal immigrants voting rights in local elections to draw them closer into their communities.
During the same Democratic party hearing, Richardson also supported issuing driver's licenses to illegal immigrants and qualifying them for the in-state tuition rate that Massachusetts residents are charged to attend public higher education. The state charges a higher rate for students who come from outside Massachusetts.
I have to think that with the financial meltdown in this Town and State, such incredibly outlandish proposals will not make it to the platform. But if they do make it and are adopted by the Dem's this summer, the outcome in the 2010 election will be dramatically different than in 2008. Are any of you in favor of her proposals?
How do we get her to shut up? One thing to deal with her when she is just useless, but a whole different story when she is actually doing things that harm us, such as this fiasco. Seriously, how do we get her out of office now before she sells us down the river?
IMPEACH RICHARDSON! What else is there to say about this?
You think it is far to say that some kid with hard working parents who came here legally, became US citizens, and pay taxes and are active members of their community in Rhode Island should pay more to go to Framingham State College because they don’t live in MA than the kid whose parent’s snuck in here, never became legal citizens, have probably never paid taxes because that would get them caught for being illegal, but live in Framingham should pay? Justify that for me, will you? I am not against the illegal alliens and believe that we should be helping many of them to become legal and valuable members of the community, but NOT giving them more benefits that the the people who are legal! That is going over the line if you ask me.
Did she sponser and write this bull, or is she just supporting some other idoit’s idea? Where does she come up with this stuff? The shortfall in the state budget, and the shortfall in the Framingham budget, and she is suggesting things that will cut income, like instate tuition? You have got to be kidding. What world does she live in. Oh yeah, the one were you get a raise for doing a lousy job and being unable to balance the budget, that is her world!!
If we can not raise a successful candidate against her, and beat her in the November elections, then we are a sorry bunch of people. Who the hell is going to vote for someone with these types of ideas in these fiscal times?
As most of you know now... she relented and will not bring this to the Dem Party Platform.
I just wonder who she listens to or reads... I've not heard anything about this from anyone.. even her own ilk....
She continues to baffle us all.
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