Friday, May 15, 2009

Quninn, Pacheco and the Senate... will they ever get it?

Ok tax fans... the Senate overwhelming supported a ethics overhaul and of coarse it weakens the State Ethics Commission's ability to investigate violations of the states conflict of interest laws. The bill tightens rules for lobbyists and reduce the amount that donors can give to a polictical party. The bill does NOT include the ban on gifts to public officials. It would also transfer to a state administration law agency the Ethics Commission's authority to hold hearings into alleged wrong doings. It now goes to conference to iron out the differences.

Bad for us.. good for them.

Last night WBZ reported that 100 police chiefs will resign or retire if the Quinn Bill is not funded. The Globe has reported that a Beacon Hill cop has retaliated by giving Legislators and their aids, parking tickets when they have already a permit to park on Beacon Hill.

Lets see if the Senate holds the line and stops funding another wasteful perk for law enforcement. It does account for perhaps 25% of their pay and also effects their retirement.

The Pacheco Law passed in 1993, stopped any attempt by then Gov Weld at contracting with private firms for services that can deliver savings through efficiencies. It is estimated that the savings by repealing this law would be around 150 to 300 million a year.

Bad for us.. good for State workers

Other reforms that could save big bucks, that the Senate has ignored to this point. Hiring and salary freeze for state workers, 140 million, allowing cities and town's to join the States Group Insurance and design their own health care benefits with local unions, millions here to be saved. A large cut in the salaries of the legislator or even making the positions part time would save millions.

While I do agree with blogger who say, are you surprised? or, did you not know this was happening? In in defense of us all, we have known, but have never been in such bleak finical shape in the States history.

My intent is to inform and to make public to the readers what I know and have learned and read about, our crises and the solutions that are brought forward and ignored.

We all have to ride out this situation together, hold our collective breath until 2010 when hopefully, common sense will prevail and these memories which are documented will be thought of before voting.


At May 15, 2009 at 3:18 PM , Blogger Just wondering said...

I like your ideas about things to cut to save money. Most of them just seem like common sense to me. How do we raise a cry they can not ignore to get these things done?

At May 15, 2009 at 4:52 PM , Blogger Brian V. said...

If they don't get it now, that they have to cut, then they will never get it. I say we just stop paying taxes, when the money runs out and their pay checks bounce, maybe then it will hit home for them. They are useless, stupid, arrogant individuals who think they have the right to live better than the rest of us. Time for us to burst that bubble they live in!


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