Roll Calls and parking in Framingham
So before the ruling elected elite went home for 6 weeks as the Sate languishes in more than the usual turmoil, the folks who are entrusted to represent us have done the following: vetoed Devals veto of 18.8 million from the Legislatures slush fund, which already has 53 million in it, by 125 to 31 in the House and 31 to 6 in the Senate. They rejected an attempt to charge prisoners who can afford it, 5 dollars a day to help pay for their incarceration, 41 to 111. (I wonder if that money would just line someone's pockets)
The D's, through their usual delay tactics, essentially killed three attempts by the R's to, reduce the sales tax form 6.5% to 5%, eliminate the 6.25 alcohol tax and implement a 1% across the board pay cut for State workers. The D's make many bills just go away by asking to have them "studied" which can take forever and makes it easier for the legislature to avoid voting up or down for tax cuts.
It may be up to a ballot question being won, to get the Beacon Hillers to do something about cutting the tax rate.
There will be a public meeting about the new proposed parking rules in Town on
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 7:00PM, Ablondi Room, Town Hall. I got my first two parking tickets in 15 years last year in front of our home.... you can imagine how irate I was after parking in the same spot for all those years and only then did I find out about the parking ban.
What parking ban? I have lived in Framingham for more than 15 years and I don’t know what you are refering to. You got a ticket for parking in front of your own house? Are you saying if I have my family over for Thanksgiving dinner, they can not park in front of my house?
Intersting information on how the dems can stop things from happening without the risk of actually voting against something that their consitutents might be in favor of. Sounds like they are very good at gaming the system. Question is, how do we stop that from happening?
This is more of what I come here looking for, local politics and Framingham issues. This is what I value most for what you do here. Need to see more of this. Thanks again for all the time you must put in to doing this. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Jim.
Junior... we do have a winter parking ban in effect as of now. Residents can only park on even sides of the road and they are very serious about enforcing this, even on a road as little as Yorks.
Be proactive about this.. as a parking ticket will only serve to piss off whomever is not aware.
6th. The only way we can slow or stop those who continually ignore the vast majority of to vote them out next year. All the bad press about their actions and the lack of moral responsibility to us all can't even shame them into doing the right thing.
We can no longer afford to forget about the abuses from the ruling elite as we generally do every two years at election time.
FR... I'll try harder
Sounds like the dems in the state house are not supporting the Governor, do I get that right? If not, my question is are they not supporting him because he is trying to force them to clean up their act, which is a good sign from the governor, or do they not support him because they think he is even worse than they are, which would be unbeleiveable? What are your thoughts on this Pillsbury?
F In F.. your on the right track. Deval is faced with budget reality... with all his past mis steps and faults, he MUST balance the budget and has to look at the entire budget, including the legislature's own budget. By leaving work early, the House and Senator, force Deval to cut in areas that he's allowed to... which are limited to his own budget and Health and Human services. Murray, DeLeo and Deval are all worried over next years election and the effect of more budget cuts to come next year, perhaps another 600 million or so, if the economy does not rebound. Local aid will at some point have to be cut next year which will make Deval, Murray and DeLeo and the rest of the ruling party hide in shame for not dealing with the truth when they could have.... and voters will see that.
The legislature has no independent voice and those who would like to come back to work and do what's right, are silenced by the leadership. In some circles, it is said that Deval is running against the legislature.. some in the legislature will use that friction to their own political advantage and go back to work next month...AFTER Deval has made cuts on his side to balance the budget... which will be huge and those who are cut will line up and scream for funding which the legislature will provide... then look like saviors and Deval as the heavy. Deval has asked for a 1% decrease in salary from the legislature. Seems like a good idea, but Murray and DeLeo take great exception to that... claiming they can reduce costs on their own. Who in the spaced out world believes that? Our locals reps will be forced to answer for this continual dysfunction next year and while their pay is guaranteed by law, most reasonably intelligent residents believe we are paying our elected office holders way to much salary and perks.
The egos of the big three make it nearly impossible for the collective us to benefit in any way and clearly show how one ruling party can make so many bad, ineffective decisions.
It's not what most of us want from government, but the only people they seem to be concerned about are themselves and their own re election.
Interesting goings on at the state house from the sounds of it. They just send things to be studied? Who actually are they expecting to study them? Isn’t it their job to do that, figure out what needs to be done and how to do it? Study the situation and determine which proposals best meet the need? If that is not their job, then what exactly is it they get paid for doing?
JPrice... we have studied THEM.. to long and have found them to be hazardous to our financial health
Off for the holiday now but stopped in just to check before leaving. Parking information is worth the time it took me to stop by. Thanks. Happy holiday to all.
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