Monday, December 7, 2009

Freedom and political correctness in Homeowners Associations

A nation wide correctness has engulfed those ruling elitists who have made by laws to limit ones freedom of expression. In Virginia, a homeowners association has given an extra week to a man, who is 90 years old, a Medal of Honor recipient, who has fought in THREE wars, WW11, Korea and Vietnam. Col Van T. Barfoot erected a 21 foot flag pole and flies his stars and stripes and has been told to take it down or face legal action.

Col Barfoot is quoted as saying, there's never been a day in my life or a place I've lived in my life that you couldn't fly the Amercian Flag".

We saw this very same action from a homeowners association here in Mass last year, when an elderly women was told she couldn't display her stars and stripes on her front porch.

Take away the symbol that millions have went to war over, have died over and families cry over and you have lost the war. Displaying or flying the Stars and Stripes should be exempt from all homeowner associations and their unpatriotic nonsense.


At December 8, 2009 at 3:12 PM , Blogger Old soldier said...

Condo associations seem to think they have rights that supersede the Constitution. They don’t. To deny a vet the right to fly his colors is tantamount to disrespecting what he has given in defense of all of our rights to fly the flag. I understand that ascetically, they may be looking to maintain a certain look in the complex, but the right to even think they can do that is one they have because of men like this who fought for that right. How can they possibly think this is fair, or even reasonable?

At December 8, 2009 at 3:23 PM , Blogger Michael said...

Can not believe this is even an issue. This condo association needs to wake up. Who do they think they are? I would like to see someone tell you Jim that you can not fly a flag on your property. As a matter of fact, I would PAY to see that showdown! Thanks for keeping us all informed here. Your hard work is much appreciated.

At December 8, 2009 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shameful situation. Refusing to allow one of our vets to fly the flag he risked his life for. What are these people thinking?

At December 8, 2009 at 5:20 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

this subject was even talked about in the daily White House Press conference...with Robert Gibbs.. .and even HE said it was silly.

I wonder if there are any vets... on any of these boards of associations?

I can't imagine what a land mark setting case it would be if the Col was sued by the association. The rights of the many to self govern, vrs the individual right. It will be sad commentary if a solider who fought for the freedom of others in far away lands, is denied that very same freedom at home.

I can't see even the White House letting this one go on. What message does it send to the people going off to war now?


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