Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rescue of a miner with a happy ending

The world was moved to tears when that first miner was pulled out. Over a half a mile straight down, in a small dark room, these miners are being plucked from the clutches of hell. What a sight it was to see the first miner come out the top of this steel pipe in the ground. I bring this matter to your attention because an Amercian company used Amercian technology to get to the miners in record time. Not only have lives been saved, but we helped save them.... Good for us, I say.

And for once, a happy ending for those rescued, the industry and the whole world....


At October 13, 2010 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see a positive story here, about people working together to accomplish a really important goal. Lets hope our elected officials both here and at the State House are taking notes on how this is accomplished.

At October 13, 2010 at 1:03 PM , Blogger Worried 01701 said...

Good story about the US of A doing something good. We do a lot of that, but it seems to go unrecognized. Thanks for reminding us of that Jim.


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