Thursday, February 17, 2011


While I couldn't stay up late enough to see Mick Jagger, I did see Dylan and the two young bands that performed before him and with him to do Maggee's Farm. Yes.. Bobs voice is going south and yes he seems lost without his 6 string, but it was a pleasure to see him that night. Despite the criticism of the younger media talking heads, he's still the most prolific song writer of all time and STILL can represent a time when songs were written that had a message.

And to see that two more R&R legends were nominated for best rock album, Tom Petty and Neil Young this past year was good news. Although they were bested by artists that will not be remembered past this decade, it was great to know, they are still making music, that appeals to everyone.


At February 22, 2011 at 12:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dylan was the only real talent as far as I am concerned, but the younger crowd drives the bus, and they like the music I just don’t understand. But then, my parents did not understand why I loved Dylan, so I guess nothing has really changed in the last 50 years.


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