Framingham Tax information
Thanks to Joel Winett for posting this info on Framingham Gov. Have a look at the Real Estate values and ask yourself if you could sell your property for what it's taxed value is. The BOS meeting will be informative and in the end, it will be up to the BOS to determine fairness for property owners while keeping business happy as well. But the underlying reasons for tax increases have been approved by Town Meeting last spring. The Town could have increased the levy by 0 % if we had only not spent 2 million dollars. Instead, we will all live with the modest tax increase because come 2016/17 we'll be asked to spend big time on a new school, which must be done.
The Framingham Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on the adoption
of a Residential Factor, thereby determining the percentages of the tax
burden borne by each class of real and personal property for Fiscal Year
Originally scheduled for November 18, the hearing will be held in the
Ablondi Room of the Memorial Building on December 2, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Comments from Framingham taxpayers may be submitted in writing before the
meeting for review by the Board. All interested taxpayers are encouraged to
attend the meeting. There will be a Q&A period following the presentation.
The Framingham Board of Assessors has made all real and personal property
values available to the public, prior to value approval and value
certification by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, Division of Local
Services. Hard copies are also at the Assessor's office and at the Main
The Assessors web site can be accessed from
Preliminary Real Estate and Personal Property Values FY 2015 are available
on the web as shown below:
Real Estate Values by Address
Real Estate Values by Last Name
Personal Property Values By Address
Personal Property Values by Business Name
All taxpayers are invited to review their property values. Department Staff
and the Board of Assessors are available during the disclosure period from
November 17, 2014 to November 21, 2014.
Joel Winett, Town Meeting Member Precinct 7
EVERYONE should show up at this meeting on dec. 2. If you pay property taxes in Framingham this impacts you. You want to have a say in how your money is spent? This is where you do that.
Are you going to be at this meeting Jim? We need to have a few people who can get some answers without causing a fight. Butler will take care of the fighting part.
I hope people do as the BOS ask and submit their questions to them prior to the meeting. They may say they don't have time to take questions from the audience, but if we do as they ask and submit them in advance, tough for them to ignore us. And if you do submit something in advance, bring a copy of that to the meeting so they can't claim they did not get it.
I wouldn't miss it.. and it appears that Ms. Butler has raised some interesting questions about the commercial evaluations. I just hope we can hear from the powers that be... an answer to her questions.
Good idea Annon 2 about the submissions ahead of time
Did you do a holiday show this year? It is the best around, baring none. reminds me of those old time andy williams shows when I was a kid!
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Given all that has been written about the tax split this year, I really hope that we can get an answer about the questions Ms. Buttler raises. It does make more sense to me, but what will be the outcome?.... they'll (BOS etc) that's the way it's done and not to worry. Will this end up as a legal challenge? Does the DOR approve of our assessment calculation? When I read it (DOR info) it appears the support what Ms. Buttler has to say.
Lets all see what the answer is on Tuesday night.
For those who missed the meeting....
According to the Town Manger, DOR has approved our assessment.
I don't see how any of us can change that.
It was important to note that the BOS Chair did say that the levy (amount of budget)is approved by TM.... which is were we need to do a better job of vetting, both in Committee and on the floor of TM.
If you want a lower tax bill, slow down the amount of spending, it's as simple as that.
Ms. Butler will let us know what she is planning to do about the assessment figures next Tuesday.
Will she announce her candidacy for Selectman?
Jason is up
don't spend what you don't have and the tax rate can go down. just view the town budget as your home budget. if you can't afford to go out to dinner then you don't. if we can't afford a new police car then we don't buy it. that should be part of what requests for budget increases have to include at tm. if you vote for this new school your taxes will go up $300. if you vote for a new fire truck your taxes go out $200. if you vote a 6% raise for cops or teachers your taxes will go up $500. we should have an informed electorate.
Looks like Ms. Butler has a good point... the question is... what can or should be done?
My curiosity got me “surfing” the Assessors Online Database where I discovered a commercial undeveloped parcel at 2A Worcester Road. GE purchased the parcel for $10.7M on 5/4/1997. WARNING: You may want to take a seat before you continue. This parcel has an “assessed value” of $2,300 (this is no typing error). Feeling somewhat vindicated that proper valuation is a MAJOR driving factor behind escalating taxes for residential property taxpayers, I then recalculated the tax rate set at last week’s Board of Selectmen’s hearing ($17.82 per thousand) by revaluating C.I.P. property, including 2A Worcester Road. Using $2,790,807,571 instead of $1,790,807,571 for a Total Value of C.I.P comes to $13.29 per thousand. Now that’s meaningful tax relief for beleaguered taxpayers.
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