Breaking the silence
After Fall Town Meeting I've decided to resurrect this Blog. For the past few years, I've been so busy with work, 2 TV shows, the band, house repairs, Grandchildren, volunteerism and my responsibility as a Town Meeting member, there was little time left to update the Blog. As Dylan wrote in a song lately, "I used to care but, things have changed". And things have changed for better or worse as only time will tell. I last wrote about the unlawful killing of an innocent black man, Town Meeting spending and the local elections. Not much has changed since. The lawsuit against the Town for decriminalization and negligence is still on going, Town Meeting had the chance to NOT increase property taxes with a zero increase in the levy...all that was needed was to NOT spend 2 million dollars, somewhere, but as most of you know, spending is what we are good at, saving is not. With a few weeks to go, we now are being asked to vote for a slew of elected state wide offices, including the Governor. The big money candidates have side stepped most issues that of a concern to the vast majority of non political type voters. The process has once again, stifled free speech from the 3 other candidates and somehow we all go alone with it. Democracy from the bottom up is what this country was founded on and anyone who votes for either of the 2 big money candidates, only reinforce bad and unlawful behavior by both parties to restrict what others have to say.
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