Friday, November 10, 2017

FFD in the news again

According to the MWDN, one of our own robbed a bank, admitted it and said he spent the money already. He got 1K.. he makes nearly 70K? Can you imagine the overtime his absence will be? He's on administrative leave. Now that we know Cannon was endorsed by FFD, one has to wonder if he (Cannon) will support a complete top to bottom review of FFD.  My bet is he will get lots of money, even though he goes to jail. I'm sorry to hear he's a Veteran with more than a few rifles, and other guns in his home. Funny how the Metro West Drug Force, all 5 of them, arrested him. If that had been a black man.. he may have been killed. Lets see what the Mayor does with this pattern of bad emplyoee's in our Public Safety departments that bring shame to our Town.


At November 14, 2017 at 5:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we need an ethics clause for our town employees but if we enforce one we will have not cops or firefighters left on the job

At November 15, 2017 at 4:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

out of line to say if he was black he might be dead. but i get the reason for the statement

both our police and fire are in the news far too often for the wrong reasons. we need someone to take a look at why that is. a panel should be set up by the new mayor and filled with people who have been keeping an eye on these issues and the abuse of sick time for a long time my tax dollars pay their salaries and i am pissed off about the way they abuse my money and abuse the law this has got to stop

At November 16, 2017 at 8:14 AM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

Lets see if the Council takes up the question of ethical behavior with Public Safety. The FPD has an ethics statement that all officers have to sign. But as we have seen, there's little enforcement.

At November 16, 2017 at 5:50 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

Tonight on Channel 5, it was reported that the fireman robbed a disabled veteran, took his credit cards, car and a key to a safe which he took 15K from. All this for a drug habit? None of his pals at FFD saw this coming? Was he absent all lot? Was he prescribed pain pills for a related on the job injury?
You must be desperate to rob a disabled veteran.

At November 20, 2017 at 3:43 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

According to the MWDN, the firefighter and veteran is 80% disabled. How in the world does anyone, anywhere, get a job in Public Safety with an an 80% disability?

Our Town Manager is not aware of such a disability. The question now is, why wasn't that known to the Town before he was hired. And if it's service related to his tours in Afghanistan, dosen't Uncle Sam notify a prospective employer?

At November 29, 2017 at 1:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what is the town doing about this? What policys are in place to deal with this bullshit?

At February 5, 2018 at 4:03 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

Framingham Firefighter Indicted on Armed Robbery Charge today 2.5.18


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