Saturday, July 11, 2020

Many Troopers connected to the OT scandal will keep their jobs

 I'm so disgusted over this news.

Matt Rocheleau Globe Staff has done an excellent job keeping us up to date on this travesty of justice. My only hope now is that the Fed's will dig deeper and prosecute those who have retired or destroyed records. The Governor and Maura Healy should be held accountable somehow.


At July 13, 2020 at 4:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a perfect example of what is wrong with our Governor and AG. They both do decent jobs,but anything that is a problem gets swept under the rug and they both are afraid of the police. Let's hope that is the time of more open questioning of the police that MA joins other states in actually expecting their police officers to be law abiding citizens.

At July 13, 2020 at 4:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They need to pass a CORI to get hired, but once they are hired no one cares what their CORI shows. This is plain shameful.

At July 14, 2020 at 3:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the police reform bill passed by the Senate did nothing about this, and nothing about cops getting immunity. What will it take for us to stop treating scum bag cops like gods?


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