Monday, March 22, 2021

Nobscott's big dig is starting soon.. make plans to avoid

 In case you haven't heard, the great widening of the Edgell and Water street is starting now. Almost a 6 million dollar project, funded in part by the State, will first move the utilities this construction season and widen the 4 corners. There will be detours for the next 2 years in some form and the cops are licking their collective chops as the detail pay will be rolling in for 2 construction seasons.

The meeting is not on the Gov TV yet, but from what I see on FB, the coveted right turn lane onto Water Street from Edgell seems to be missing. Hard to tell without watching the recorded meeting. There is also chatter that Rose will not be taking the rest of the plaza down as promised in the Church swap land deal.

I read that no one has pulled any permits to do anything with that piece of the property.

Even when the new CVS is done and operating, they may see business being lost due to the construction. 


At March 23, 2021 at 8:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can Rose get away with not doing what was agreed to?

At March 23, 2021 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just one more traffic mess here. Not sure about the outcome of this project but I do hope that there is more done in the shopping plaza then just adding a new building for CVS. The rest of the place is a disgrace.

At March 23, 2021 at 2:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does this section of Framingham always seem to be a problem area for driving? Do you really think this project is going to fix that issue?

At March 23, 2021 at 4:28 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

you owe it to yourself to watch this meeting. The right on Edgell on to Water is mysteriously gone.

And it's clear to me now that the owner didn't want to give up any more of his land to the right turn lane. If you remeber back when Rose pitched the project and the State gave us the money, there was the right turn lane as well as some parking on Water Street.
Nothing we can do about now... the job has been bidded out and that part of Town will be a struggle to get through for the next two years.


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