Friday, December 2, 2022

Unpublized meeting with Mayor, CC and FPD on down town issues

As a result of a FOIA request we learned what the group heard from FPD regarding the various issues surrounding a small patch of downtown. There is no recording of the Memorial building, Great Room meeting other than the enclosed power point slides. Fascinating precision of data points. I'm sure most of you would have questions after viewing the slides.


At December 2, 2022 at 12:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim the 'important' people got the info about the meeting. The regular people got the big middle finger.

At December 2, 2022 at 2:29 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

the important people don't want to share. why this information was not made public is a mystery.

At December 2, 2022 at 4:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it not being shared because it shows that crime isn't any better, or even worse, under Mayor Sisitsky vs Mayor Spicer?

At December 2, 2022 at 4:37 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

I don't recall FPD braking down the numbers for a small section of downtown before under Spicer.There is not enough history to say if it's worse now than two years ago. But the businesses people claim it's worse... so I guess it may be.

At December 2, 2022 at 6:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the increse in numbers could be because of john stefanini begging law that mary kate feeney wrote about.

At December 2, 2022 at 10:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Stefanini’s bullshut panhandler law will do nothing. Giving a ticket to a person begging for money. How stupid.

At December 7, 2022 at 2:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of good topics you are raising publicly Jim. You are the only one with the guts to call out the police or fire department. We are so lucky to have you here in Framingham. Keep up your good work.

At December 8, 2022 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see eye to eye with Jim on everything, but you are right Jim does have the guts to call wrong stuff out.

At December 8, 2022 at 1:33 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

Not looking to win a popularity contest here. Just trying to keep my fellow residents informed of things that happen, under the radar. Many topics I write about are not discussed or written about and if they are, the are written from the administrations point of view with no relevant questions asked.
I'm feeling nostalgic lately and can recall emailing DPW, Peter or Dan about an issue or a question and they would respond the same day. I used to email the many FPD chiefs and always got an answer. Matt at the school and Jim Paolini in building services, always got a reply.
Members of this community are now ignored and disrespected by this form of governance.


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