Beacon Hill Roll Call News
The House approved an amendment requiring any proposed changes in the state pension system to include an impact statement.
The House rejected an amendment requiring that a pension for State workers hired after Jan 1, 2010 be based on the average salary of all the years the person worked. Currently it's based on the workers highest three years.
This is why we will continue to see outrageous state worker retirements and abuse.
The House rejected an amendment to ban early pensions for fired workers.
How they sleep at night is beyond me.
The Senate approved an amendment that prohibits salaries under 5,000 from counting toward pensions.This bans the years someone made under 5K towards their retirement.
During the week of April 20 -24th, the House met for 28 minutes and the Senate met for 20 minutes.
Why is it that we hear about all these votes AFTER the fact? Isn't the job of our Reps to vote the will of the voter? How do they know what we want them to do if they have not asked us? Therein lies the biggest problem with MA state politics, complete disregard for what the taxpayer wants in favor of what the legislators want. Sounds like a dictatorship to me.
What the heck was the goings on at town hall last night? Big crowd outside the Planning Board meeting, but not sure what that was actually about. Could not stick around to see, was just passing by. Anyone know what the big deal was? Were they talking about wind turbines? I noticed all the democrats were there in force, so something must have been going on!
I was at another meeting last night (an illegal meeting about wind turbines) and around 8PM, I left through that entrance. More one party loyalists that I've seen since Deval came to Natick. I believe it was to protest the Newton Wellesley Hospital proposal to take the property on Rte 30 (the old COMP USA building) and turn in into a small day surgery clinic. This move has riled the local pols, for they think Metro West Medical Center will loose business.
My spin.... there are more sick people than there are hospital beds and clinics. I say .. let them come, competition is always good in the medical community
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