The Horror in Haiti
The untold catastrophic disaster that's unfolding now is beyond even what now we know as disasters. The death toll may reach 500,000, with 40 to 45 thousand Americans living in Haiti, a far away tragedy, in the most poorest of nations, await help from the world, primarily the US. Upwards of a third of the country has been effected. The worse natural disaster to hit this country in 200 years is now being covered by reporters on the scene. Look for the very worst voyeuristic TV at its best for weeks. My sincere and utmost admiration for those who will go there and look for life and I'm glad to see our President, step to the plate and get troops and relief supplies on the ground their.
Many groups are already there... if you wish to donate. Salvation Army, Oxfam, Red Cross, Catholic Charities, to name a few.
This is a tragedy for sure, and sending aid is the right and moral thing to do. But I have to ask, where is the aid to the people here in our country who are losing thier homes and putting their kids to bed hungry and cold every night? I think we need to take care of our own first, and when every kid in America goes to bed with a roof over their head and decent food in their stomach, then take what money we have left and help those in other countries. I think the US is forgetting about far too many people in our own country who faced catastrophic losses in this economic downturn. Nice to be seen as the one who steps to the plate first on the international scene, but not at the expense of those in our own country who are doing without. As far as donating, I would like to think if I donate to the Salvation Army here in Framingham, then the people in Framingham who need help will benefit from my donation before the people in Haiti do.
The bible says that whatever we do for the least of our brothers is what we will be judged on. Hatians are at this moment the least of our brothers. You can not compare losing your home so you have to live in an apartment to losing your home to an earthquake so now you have no food, no water, no medical care, and you are sleeping in the street. Do we need to take care of the people here in our own country, of course we do. But that is a different issue. I think the money we are going to spend in Haiti is not coming out of the pool for what we should be spending here in our country. I don’t know what for sure but I doubt it. I think we can all pray for all those people who are in the streets in Haiti.
Sounds like the death toll from this disaster in Haiti is going to be almost as high as from the tsunami a few years ago. Horrific event. Makes me think of the terrible mess in New Orleans after Katrina. Seems to me people down there still are waiting for things to be fixed several years later. I can not help thinking that we are quicker to respond to a neighboring country's needs than we are to respond to the needs of our own citizens. What does that say about us as a nation?
How can you see those images on the tv and not want to help? We need to do what we can to assist. THese people don't even have hopitals to treat the injured. We can not just ignore this. We are doing what we can to help those in need in this country. That does not mean we don't help others in need.
I am curious what it is you think we are doing to help those in need in this country anonymous? I don't see us mobilizing government forces to find places for our homeless to sleep at night, or to make sure their is food in everyones kitchen, or even to make sure there is a doctor to treat my kid's ear infection who will do it for no pay since I lost my health insurance when I lost my job more than a year ago. Maybe I am missing something. If these services are available here in metro-west, please tell me where cause I could sure use them.
We need to help everyone we can afford to help, not pick and chose, so if you can afford to help, then send what you can afford. The need is certainly great. As long as you send your donation to a respectable, honest and responsible organization, then you know your money will go to someone in need somewhere.
Charity begins at home. Lets not forget that fact. Jim are you advocating for spending money from the federal government to help out in Haiti or are you advocating for individuals to send donations to organizations that are going to help in Haiti? Seems to me there is a big difference in those 2 things, and people writing here seem to be confusing the 2.
If you have money to donate, how about sending it my way? Wife and I out of work since Oct. 2008, lost our home, moved into a tiny apartment, could not afford that anymore, moved into a dumpy even smaller apartment. Now we are behind on the rent for this place and about to be evicted. We have 0 income, get about $280 a month in food stamps, and have bills up the ying yang. So tell me, what do I need to do to get you to send your donations to me right here in Framingham instead of to those people in Haiti?
Our President Obama has announced 100 million dollar aid package along with life saving supplies and rescue teams. On a good day in Haiti it would be hard for any type of large scale help to get to everyone, but this country has no way to deal with such a catastrophic event.
If we don't help them at least get on their feet, millions will seek refuge in the surrounding countries and the US. We have 80,000 here in Mass alone. We must give them hope that they can stay in their country and survive.
Fred....I'm in for a 10 spot and so is our country, only with more zeros. Yes.. it's our tax dollars, as is the money used now to rebuild countries was have damaged in war. Donations from around the world will pour in and when you've got nothing to work with down there to begin with, they'll need every dime, just to help the survivors stave off an epidemic that could wipe out most of the pollution.
I guess we learned something from Katrina... good point Solider. A Federal agency tasked with helping our fellow Americans, in this country, couldn't have been more inept and slow to respond. As we now watch the very same thing happen, with reporters capturing human suffering of biblical proportions, only a large scale, joint effort, well funded, operation, spearheaded by the US, could come close to averting even more doom and despair.
CV.. there's more than a few ways to donate to Haiti directly, but when one thinks about it, money in the hands of people who can't spend it anywhere would do little. The big 4 charities have boots on the ground and providing whatever they can as long as they have supplies. Allowing them to keep ordering supplies, with donations, seems to be the best choice for me.
Lots of really brave souls will be on that battle line down there and I hope they all come back ok. Most are volunteers, working class heroes, ready, willing and able. God love em.
Why doesn't the federal government take all those people out of work here in the US and pay them to go to Haiti and help those in need there. Makes sense to me. There are sure lots of people sitting around collecting unemployment checks who would be willing to do something like this. But then that won't work because in the infinite wisdom of our federal bureaucracy, if I go to Haiti to help out, they will stop my unemployment benefits. Tell me where the logic is in that plan?
I like the way you think Old Blogger. I would be willing to go too. Better than sitting around on my behind all day watching the reports from Haiti on tv, don't you agree?
New to this blog. Went through some of the history tabs and find it pretty interesting and on point about what is going on around this state and Framingham. Will be coming back to visit again. nice to see someone taking the time to blog about the issues on the local level.
The very least we must do is find the 40 to 45,000 Americans there now. That's to much flak for the White House to take at this point. Bush failed miserably with Katrina, Obama will not fail at this one.
I do find it troubling knowing that Clinton and Bush senior will head up the international relief effort.
You may get your wish gentleman, with the poster children for corruption and cover-up running the show, one can bet their friends will be down there very soon. Look for employment ads to go there on a web page near you soon.
Annon... I'm sure our readers, as I do, understand your plight and hope you'll get through this tuff time.
I make myself available on e mail for moral support or common man guidance.
What about that family from somewhere in MA who were told their daughter was found and was fine and then find out that the information was wrong and she is still missing? How cruel is that? I hope they eventually get good news based on some facts instead of some messed up story that is based on nothing factual at all.
Looks like nothing is getting to these people on the ground in Haiti and yet million of dollars has been donated. Whats the deal with that?
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