Monday, February 15, 2010

Lantigua resigns

Over the weekend the newly elected Mayor and State Rep from Lawrence resigned his House seat. Some time down the road, it will be discovered that Lawrence and the 35 million dollar loan guarantee from the State was held hostage until he resigned.

This was never about holding two paid positions in the State, nor was it about the double dipping loyalists who collect retirement benefits AND have full time State jobs. This was all about the notion that State Reps are full time jobs at full time salaries. If a State Rep could do two jobs, as many do now, they would have to admit, their jobs are at best, part time. DeLeo forced this issue, just to maintain status quo on the Hill. No one from Framingham ever asked Stephanini to resign his House seat when he was a Selectman and State Rep. Nor has anyone demanded any House Rep to resign because of their law practice or co ownership of any company.


At February 16, 2010 at 3:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good points Jim, but still glad he resigned. Being Mayor IS a full time job.


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