Thursday, April 29, 2010

General Chemical admits....

President Michael Persico admitted yesterday that the company made a mistake in pumping hazardous water from their building in the environment and said, "it's a violation, but we're going to address it and fix it".

I wonder how many more mistakes can that neighborhood take before it's capped like Nyanza? I also wonder when Sherborn is going to look into this and demand action from Framingham and General Chemical. Could make the SMOC lawsuit look trivial if the appropriate action is now dealt with soon..


At April 29, 2010 at 11:22 AM , Blogger Angry in Framingham said...

The made a mistake? Isn’t that pretty obvious, even without him saying that? So, is he saying they were set up to pump that stuff out that way, and they now realize setting up that way was a mistake, or is he saying they were set up correctly, but something was defective in the set up that made them pump this toxic stuff out where it should not be? There is a big difference between those 2 mistakes.

At April 29, 2010 at 12:14 PM , Blogger Frustrated in Framingham said...

Maybe Richardson should have applied for that grant money to educate the people running General Chemical about the hazards of what they do and the regulations they are suppose to adhere to. Not sure who is more of an idiot here, the people running General Chemical who made this so called mistake, or the town for allowing this type of behavior to go on. Are they being fined or anything for this screw up?

At April 29, 2010 at 1:26 PM , Blogger Framingham resident said...

What the heck are the selectmen waiting for before they shut these guys down and throw them out of town? Does someone have to die, or a cluster of kids have to get some deadly disease, before they will say enough is enough? Fine to have a hazardous facility in town if we have to, someone has to do it, but it is NOT fine to have one that does not abide by the rules, and that thinks it is ok to say, sorry, we made a mistake, so don’t punish us. Who runs this town, the selectmen or the businesses that take advantage of the weakness of the selectmen who are suppose to enforce regulations? I am more than a little angry about this, my grandkids go to school next to this plant, and god help them if anything happens to those kids because General Chemical messed up and the town let them continue to mess up again and again.

At April 29, 2010 at 3:07 PM , Blogger Not my problem said...

I am not as up on all of this as I should be I guess, but do understand this correctly, we could have gotten money from somewhere other than from Framingham taxpayors to help us regulate General Chemical and we did not do that because we did not want to scare people? Huh. I got to say I am pretty scared to think that someone had contaminated water in their cellar. Don’t think getting money from the state for this would have made me any more scared than what is happening did.


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