Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another unethical Rep at the State House?

If you haven't been following the State Rep Jeffery Perry's inquiry, let me fill you in. The Globe, in addition to reviewing sworn testimony in depositions and the civil trial, obtained transcripts of Flanagan’s disciplinary hearing, State Police and Wareham police reports, and correspondence in the criminal case through requests under state public records law, has investigated Rep Perry, since it was discovered, as Police Sargent in Wareham in the early nineties, he may have witnessed illegal strip searches of two teenage girls by officer Scott Flanagan. The long of it is, Officer Fallangan confessed to strip searching a 14 and 16 year old girl and Sergeant Perry who was there lied to his superiors about what happened. Even going to one parents home and not filing a criminal report when one set of parents came to the police station. One civil suit was tried and the other was settled out of court, both in favor of the victims.

The short of this story is that Mr. Perry is running against another crook in former auditor Joe Malone for a chance to replace another questionable elected official in William Delahunt. All kinds of people who have once said they praised Perry for his work in the past, but have refused to back up what they wrote back then. Unfortunate for our Scott Brown, Perry's past may come back and haunt Brown, who has endorsed Perry.

To think this kind of guy walks the halls of our State House and feels he deserves the right to walk the halls of congress.

Look for this to be tops of the list of dirty laundry hung out by the press and the opposition, who has a very tainted past as well.


At June 14, 2010 at 2:44 PM , Blogger J. Price said...

I think if you were to publish a list of the elected officials in MA that have NOT been caught doing something illegal or unethical, you would have a very short list. This has got to stop and the only way that will happen is to vote these crooks out of office. So lets do it for once!

At June 14, 2010 at 3:43 PM , Blogger SoxFan said...

I think if you were to publish a list of the elected officials in MA that have NOT been caught doing something illegal or unethical, you would have a very short list. This has got to stop and the only way that will happen is to vote these crooks out of office. So lets do it for once!


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