Friday, September 17, 2010

Democray from the bottom up, McKenna challanges Coakley

Secretary of State William F. Galvin confirmed yesterday that James P. McKenna, 49, a write-in candidate from Central Massachusetts received more than 10,000 votes in Tuesday’s primary, enabling him to qualify for a spot on the ballot in the general election. The Millbury lawyer is only the second politician since the 1970s to vault onto the ballot as a statewide write-in candidate.

Although the battle is a steep one for the political unknown, McKenna’s foray into the race seems to have upended Coakley’s political assumptions for a second time this year. When she was thought to be running unopposed, Coakley agreed to a participate in a public finance campaign that will cap her campaign spending at $625,000. This could leave her vulnerable to an onslaught of advertising if outside groups weigh in on her campaign, as they did in the US Senate race.

Give credit to Mr. McKenna for trying to compete and give voters a choice in Novemeber. Sticker campaigns do work and it's great to see the passion of a candidate who really wants the job.


At September 17, 2010 at 12:55 PM , Blogger 50 stud said...

Whether you support Coakley or not, this guy has shown us just how fed up people in this state are. If she actually gets booted out, that will be one hell of a big deal. With Brown's support, and the financial backing of the same people that put Brown in the Senate, we could see this guy as our next AG.

At September 17, 2010 at 12:57 PM , Blogger Fred J. said...

The more I read stories like this one and about Walsh defeating Richardson, the more I start to think you can really win this race Pillsbury. People are fed up, and for the dems in Framingham to not be able to keep their sitting rep on the ballot, people in Framingham are very fed up.

At September 17, 2010 at 1:00 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm a Framingham resident who has followed your blog for a long time now. I know you are running for State Rep, and I have visited your web site as well as this blog. I like what you say you are going to do, but you don't say how you are going to do any of this. Great ideas are just that, great ideas. I need to hear the nuts and bolts of what you would do differently, what you would do to try and make some of the things you say you support happen. Tolls, how would you get the rest of the legislature to vote for equal tolls, open tolling? Tax and regulate, how the hell would you get that to pass? TIme to put up or shut up. Have you got the mechanics of a plan to make these things happen?

At September 17, 2010 at 1:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy does not stand a chance against the democratic machine in this state. That is unless people vote. Everyone I talk to is complaining, and if they all actually go to the polls on November 2nd, the shear number of them will make it happen. Vote out incumbents, including the AG.

At September 17, 2010 at 1:14 PM , Blogger Just wondering said...

Jim, I appreciate what you do hear on this blog, but time to start beefing up the web site. It has not changed in quite a while. Need more information on there about what the differences are between you and Walsh. THis blog show you know what is going on. The web site needs to show us what your plan is for doing something about all the things that are going on. Walsh is not Richardson. You have to beat him on your ideas, not just on his record. He does not have a record as a state rep, and neither do you. So this race is about which of you have the best ideas, the ones that I think not only can solve the problem, but that also have a chance of actually being implemented. Lets hear some of those ideas and the specifics of how you would plan to put them into play. No one expects miracles, but what do you think you could realistically accomplish in a 2 year term, given that you will be working primarily with reps who are part of the problem themselves. Not everyone is up for re-election, and not everyone up for re-election is going to lose.

At September 17, 2010 at 2:30 PM , Blogger Jerry G. said...

Nice to see that with a little bit of determination and a lot of guts, you can actually beat the system here in MA. 10,000 write in signatures is a hell of a lot of names. If I were Coakley, I would be running pretty scared right now. Apparently, there are at least 10,000 people out there willing to vote for someone other than her, and that was when they had to write the name in. This guy is going to actually appear on the ballot in November, right? I would say he has a pretty good chance of beating the sitting AG if that is the case. Maybe, just maybe, there is hope for MA yet.

At September 17, 2010 at 5:15 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Now this could be one hell of a fight. I will be watching this one closely, almost as closely as Pillsbury against Walsh. Is Rizolli still in this fight? He did a piss poor job on your show. If he is serious, he needs to get more educated about what is going on, and if he is not serious, he needs to get out of the race so the people have 2 realistic and good choices.


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