Thursday, February 23, 2017

Trump and the potential MJ crackdown

The news that most of you predicted is coming true. AG Sessions has made a comment about enforcing federal drug laws regarding recreational MJ. Trump seems to be OK with medical though (patients can rest easy for now) but that one comment could cause a billion dollar industry from taking hold here in Mass. Especially since Baker has come out against and Senator Lewis and others with 80 bills submitted to stop the implementation completely.  There won't be millions of protesters in the streets of our large cities over this, but it will take just a few dedicated agitators to stop Trump and his band of prohibitionists. We've come to far as a country to turn back the clocks now on harm reduction drug policy. Hang on to your plants, darker days may be coming soon.


At February 24, 2017 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No chance of changing this Jim. There are just too many issues right now that are more important than this one. I am a supporter, and I enjoy not being concerned about being arrested for enjoying a little of this plant. However I am more concerned about the safety of this country, and our status as a democracy under the current president to spend too much time worrying about this issue. It was illegal for most of my life, but that did not stop me anymore than Sessions trying to enforce the Federal Law will stop me now. Right now I think the issue I will be more vocal on is the Charter, should we become a city or not? That will impact so many things in my day to day life that I think I will spend my time fighting in that arena,not this one.

At February 24, 2017 at 10:45 AM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

Yeah I agree.. the Charter is of importance now. It will effect our lives negatively if adopted. But I can't forget the will of the voter here in Mass. Our vote is the backbone of our democracy and if Trump and Sessions go against States rights, we will all lose at a broader level.

At February 24, 2017 at 12:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hit the real nail on the head Jim, and that is state's rights. There has to be respect for those rights. Not everything can or should be run by the federal government. If we allow state's rights on this one issue to be ignored, then what is the next thing that will be taken away from us?

At February 26, 2017 at 11:36 AM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

FYI.. the Governor of Washington State and the AG have told reporters, they stand against Trump and Sessions coming to their state to enforce federal marijuana laws. We already know where Baker is...


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