Friday, April 6, 2018

Marijuana Task Force Meeting 4.5.18

The Force made up of 2 councilors, 1 Mayor's rep, one School Committee member, one Fire Chief and Amada Loomis from the planning board decided that a moratorium is needed. So no other marijuana related businesses will be able to open her in Framingham until next year. One has to wonder if economic development is really a major focal point for the new administration.  It's sad to see how just 2 elected councilors can decide to subvert the will of the voters here in Framingham. Influenced by Giombetti, he even got the media services group NOT show the meeting live, even after all the times these meetings have been broadcast live. It's up to the Council now to accept the Task Force recommendations, but one can rest assured, Giombetti will demand everyone vote for the moratorium.


At April 6, 2018 at 2:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Giombetti said that the advocate would only miss a few meetings, but looks like he is going to be too late when he does get there to make any argument for the majority side. This sucks.

At April 6, 2018 at 3:44 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

Yes he lied.. knowing full well the advocate was not going to be there. He has manipulated the system, broke his (counsel) rules and bullied those who didn't see it his way. Our only chance left is the moderate votes on the council and perhaps the Mayor who has the foresight to understand the economic ramifications in stopping the moratorium. One has to ask now, who's rely in charge, Giomebetti or the Mayor?
But we can still grow our own and that he can't take from us.

At April 12, 2018 at 5:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the Mayor makes the right decision here and overrides the Council. I started out siding with the District Council, but I have heard and seen too many of them spouting off just to look important, and not even staying on topic. Since when does a city coucilor have the right to determine if an individual is finacially sound enough to open a business? When Tully-Stolls started talking about what would happen if we alowed them to open and they want out of business I lost all respect for her. First, if they have the money and the business plan to get a license, they are smart business people. She seems to think she is more intelligent thatn anyone on the Cannabis Commission, and I find that very arrogant on her part!

At April 12, 2018 at 5:31 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

I'm hearing ya.. but the topper was the Police Chief, when he jumped on the band wagon and asked if a land owner in Town had the were-full-all to have enough money to grow pot. What in God's name does the Police Chief know about growing pot? They will come up with the most outrageous excuses to justify stopping the industry. Ms. Stoll has her own paranoia about pot shops and the industry. But when they run out of legitimate reason, they'll just make something up.

To much absolute power in a few hands.

I agree, it's up to the Mayor as it is certainly out of the hands of the voters. She's not stupid and is facing 1 million dollar deficit already and it could climb. Our taxes will go up, but as the Planning Board Chair so eloquently put it.."if you want to slow down the rate increase of home owners tax bill, you have to encourage commercial business to come here.. Not a truer word spoken.

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