The IRS, The State and State Cops
The State Police OT scam has now reached epic proportions. Now the IRS is looking into getting their share of un-taxed perks that the State cops have had for years. According to the Globe, Massachusetts could be fined and be made to pay back taxes, all the way back to 2005. According to Channel 5, 5 more Staties have resigned or retired this week after hearings were ordered. This long held perk (40 bucks a day for driving your own vehicle to work is part of the union negotiations of years past. The question is, how long will it take to have justice prevail at the State Police? This will be something Charlie Baker and Beacon Hill will have to respond to in the up-coming election. Even though AG Healy is investigating all of this, the IRS has unlimited power in these matters.
and 7 more today which brings the total to 40 State cops who are being investigated for falsifying records to gain OT. I wonder how many more will be caught.
Pretty soon we won't have any state cops left. It begs the question about what type of people are being hired by the state police. A bad apple can happen anywhere, but a few bushels of bad apples indicates problems with the harvesting process. Hope they are looking at that as they get ready to replace all these criminals who are retiring.
ha, ha. No one get away from the IRS scott free so this is going to be interesting to watch play out.
I agree.. will the AG really prosecute them.. of will the Commander of the State Police just let them all retire with no pension?
I'll bet it runs deeper than anyone ever thought.And who will use this as a talking point in the upcoming election? I know I would if I were running against Gov Baker.
I agree about it being a politically charged topic but we should remember this was going on long before Baker became governor. It is a great example of why there should be forensic audits done of all state departments at least once a year. Anyone know if that type of policy exists in MA, or anywhere else for that matter. If not how do we make it happen?
With all the problems we know about at Framingham Police Department let alone those we don’t know about why haven’t we had an audit done of payroll for Framingham police, and an audit of the civil forfeiture amounts they have? I know they are pretty much free to do what they want with that money but I would be very curious to know how they spend that money, and how much they have. We have quite a few officers way into the 6 figures because of overtime and detail pay. Good for them for being hard workers if they really did do the jobs but given what we are learning about the practices of the state police we should not assume that could not happen here.
Interesting how the councilors, many of whom were selectmen in the past, are questioning every dime spent by the mayor, but never question any of the overtime costs for the police and fire department that existed under their watch, and continue to exist. They bitch about a salary of $100,000 but never said or say a word about the overtime costs that are about 10 times that for police and fire. Guess what they want to spend is fine, but what the mayor wants to spend is not fine with them. Tolls sounds like a rabid dog about the mayor. What about all her own failures when it comes to costs? She just does not seem to like the fact that she has a boss. She sounds like a 5 year old in a playground who can not get her own way. I hope people are watching this play out so they don't voter her in again. She is an embarrassment to the city.
I agree with the last poster. They council seems to think that no one pays attention to what they have done in the past and that they all have clean slates. Not true. We know how you handled presonel issues and overtime and sick time issues, you ignored them. Time for you to know ignore the mayor and let her do her job
100% in agreement about Tulley Stoll. It's incredible the number of things she brings up that she thinks are wrong, but she had no problem when she was on the BOS and being on the executive side. "Do as I say, not as I do" should be her next campaign slogan. It gets old listening to her remind the audience, "well when I used to Chair the BOS". The woman is completely transparent.
I don't know how any of us could make a request of the city (Mayor or COO maybe)for a forensic audit. I'm sure there would be lots of people to stand against it.
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