Cops aren't marching in the parade
From the Source:
FRAMINGHAM – City of Framingham Police Chief said in an email to his
department that the Framingham Police will not be marching in the
Mayor’s Flag Day Parade on Sunday, June 9.
Police Chief Steven Trask wrote, “Due to a lack of interest, the
Framingham Police Department will not be marching in the Flag Day Parade
and the Fire Department will lead the parade.”
But the Framingham Police Officers Union disagrees with the Chief’s characterization of “lack of interest.”
“Members of the Framingham Police Officers Union were informed by
Chief Trask in an email sent May 14 that the City of Framingham is
seeking volunteers from the Police Department to lead the 2019 Flag Day
Parade. A subsequent email indicated that the Police Department will not
be represented in the parade due to ‘lack of interest,” said Framingham
Police Officers Union President Ryan Porter in a statement. “Our 96
officers do not lack interest. On the contrary, many of us have a vested
interest in Framingham, as we both live and work here. Our interest is
in fostering safety, helping our residents, and improving ourselves as
police officers so that we can serve the City to the best of our
Officer Porter, speaking as union president, said the “Flag Day
Parade is a great Framingham tradition – one that many of us would feel
honored to lead. However, it has also become tradition in Framingham to
not support our police officers, and that is one tradition that must end
before we can, in good faith, volunteer our time for celebrations.”
I think the Framingham cops have one hell of a nerve saying we don’t respect them. They get what they give and they certainly have not shown respect for anyone in Framingham. Filing lawsuits against the city. Complaining about the appointment of the new chief, who ever told them they get to pick their own boss? Taking a ridiculous stand against the Flag Day parade. I was willing to cut them some slack but this crosses the line. They are all premadonnas who think they are special, when they are not. Time for them to grow up and act like the men that the residents except them to be and stop throwing temper tantrums when they don’t get their way. Bunch of babies, and many of them are corrupt babies if you ask me.
From the City website - Sunday, June 9, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. Join us for the 2019 Flag Day Parade. We will unite to honor our men and women serving in the armed forces and our veterans. Celebrating our men and women is an opportunity where we can work together, we unite to become a stronger community - we become "OneFramingham".
If the police officers in Framingham don’t think this is a worthy cause, supporting and honoring our veterans, then they don’t deserve our respect.
Shame on you Framingham Police officers. Refusing to participate in a Framingham event honoring our veterans is a perfect example of why residents don’t respect you. You don’t deserve our respect and you certainly will not gain it with this type of action.
good points. I wonder why the FFF's union hasn't sided with the cop union. The only difference is that the cops carry guns and fireman carry hoses. Officer Porter is relatively new at FPD, but has already risen to the head of the patrolman's union. His girlfriend was on FB weeks ago complaining about how low the salary is for rookie cops. Wasn't it back when Trask was being appointed that Sargent Brown (who was the Union head) complaining that Trask wasn't approved by the rank and file, for chief?
FPD needs a serious purge of bad apples.
I see this statement from the newly elected President of the officers union as a big mistake and I am hoping the officers he represents see it the same way. An event honoring our veterans is the wrong thing to use as a tool to get their way. This is really a bad move on the part of the officers if they want to garner any support from residents. I hope they will rethink this.
I agree with the previous poster, this is a big mistake on the part of the police officers union and one that residents will not soon forget. Honoring our veterans is not something that should be made into a political fight. They served with honor and deserve our honor and respect. Can’t say the same for the officers that are taking this stand. I will chose to treat the officers the same way they are treating Veterans, by ignoring and protesting anything being done in support of the Framingham Police Officers union. I hope fellow residents will join me in that. As a veteran I see this action by our police department as deplorable.
This new union president seems like a dummy. He makes a statement that because he does not think police officers are supported in Framingham then they will not participate in Framingham celebrations. He is clueless. How can he not recognize that it is because of actions like this, disrespecting our veterans or really anyone who is not an officer, that those of us who question the police department actions do so. I have to say I am surprised that the police officers elected this guy as their union president as ever since he arrived he has been trying to raise everyone’s anger. I question the integrity of ANYONE who chooses to use an event to honor our veterans as a way to gain political clout. He is 100% wrong in doing that, and his actions, and the actions of his fellow officers who support this, will not soon be forgotten. I have no respect for him or the officers supporting him not because they are police officers, but because they disrespect our veterans. I thought that bullshit stopped after the VietNam war.
the Chief is quoted as saying they are down 22 officers. Didn't we just hear last week from the chief that they had 9 down for injuries? How did FPD get to 22 officers down and what has happened to them? Is it fair to ask when we have 135 sworn officers to begin with? Is this what it's all about, not enough men and women to fully staff each shift? To take out their frustrations with management on Veterans is just nuts. What possible gain is there in it for them?
Colossal blunder by the cops union! If you wan't to thumb your nose at the mayor then don't do one of her dog and pony events.
Blowing off the veterans is like shitting on the veterans.
Anyone besides the police boycotting this event? Just curious if this has become an acceptable way to express your disagreement with the mayor.
Not that I've heard.
Purge purge purge bother. Kick them all to the curb
Is the League of Women Voters marching again this year? How about the veterans?
The League will be there. I spoke to Eric from the Veterans council and said they are marching. Nic Pag said the Elks are in.
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