Friday, January 24, 2020

Insys founder John Kapoor gets 5.5 years in prision

Fed prosecutor Lelling has won another case involving the opioid crisis. At 76, Insys founder Kapoor may well end up dying in prison and god forbid if he got sick and needed pain meds from his old company. He might even become addicted. Some other company executives have cooperated with the feds in helping get to the bottom of how this company got half of America hooked on pain meds. Thousands have died, millions have had their lives destroyed over these drugs that were prescribed by doctors. Across the country many health care providers were convicted on federal charges related to the scheme.
So there's some justice in the world today and while it may never be enough for the victims, it's about all we can do at this point. Many states have already staked out what money they will get from the producers and distributors of these addictive drugs which I hope will go to treatment facilities.


At January 24, 2020 at 3:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justice in some small way is served. Hopefully this bastard dies in jail. None of these victims who were prescribed these pills were looking to become addicts. They were following doctors orders and doctors never told them the risks involved. These drug manufacturers must be help accountable. And where is the FDA in this process? How did they let the manufacturers get away with this?

At January 24, 2020 at 4:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray. About time these monsters were held accountable for what they have done which if you ask me amounts to murder

At January 24, 2020 at 6:44 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

on PBS tonight they report 130 people a day overdose on opioids, 400,000 people have died in two decades.

excellent point about the FDA... BUT... the drug was only supposed to be used in end stage cancer patients. So somehow they let the doctors prescribe this drug for other types of chronic pain.


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