Sunday, February 23, 2020

a robo call from Red Mass Pac supporting Janet Leombruno

Did anyone get this call on Sunday?.. from Red Mass Grassroots Action Committee?
This pac is asking me to vote for Janet in the republican primary for State Committee.

I've never got a call from a republican pac before...


File Number:  

Filing State:  
Massachusetts (MA)

Filing Status:  

Filing Date:  
April 4, 2019

Company Age:  
10 Months

Registered Agent:  
Ct Corporation System
155 Federal Street, Suite 700
Boston, MA 02110

Principal Address:  
138 Conant Street, Second Floor
Beverly, MA 01915
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138 Conant Street
Second Floor
Beverly, MA 01915


At February 24, 2020 at 1:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly is she running for, and if it is for something related to the state republican party, there is your proof that she is a Trump supporter and should never have been elected to city council here in Framingham

At February 24, 2020 at 2:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree with the previous poster. I think having an at large councilor to represent the few republicans we have in Framingham is a good thing. I am curious though about where the money came from to pay for these robo calls. I hope it was not from money people donated in support of her running for district council in Framingham. How do we find that out Jim?

At February 24, 2020 at 2:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never heard of this group or this guy. Is this a political organization required to file campaign finance paperwork with the state?

At February 24, 2020 at 3:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't read those things in blue font Jim. Can you change the color?

At February 24, 2020 at 4:26 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

Sorry for the colr issue... my page looks fine on my desk top
the things in highlighted color are url's, taking you to another site.

I'm looking to find this pac from Beverley at the Campaign Finance web site.

Candidates are required to file at the end of the quarter, which is right around the corner. So we may have to wait till then to know where the money comes from.
Maybe this group, which I guess is a Charlie Baker PAC in disguised, is doing robo calls for any republican who is on the republican ballot.

I picked the D ballot when I went to the Library today... much easier and faster than voting on Super Tuesday. I hope we can convince Lisa to do early voting in the next local election, even on a Saturday.

At February 24, 2020 at 5:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the follow-up Jim and please let us know what you find out about this super pac.

At February 27, 2020 at 1:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robocalls are cheap Jim. How many thousands are being spent on the mailers? I think you are right looks like another Baker secret PAC. It just shows how much her talk about transparency is just verbal diarrhea.

At March 2, 2020 at 10:53 AM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

According to the Globe today, Red Mass Grassroots Action is not required to say where the money is coming from. Baker is trying to win back the control of the State Republican party here in Mass. Leombruno, a Baker loyalist, is facing a stiff challenge, but it doesn't say from whom. In 2016, Baker raised 1 million dollars to back state committee candidates and as we have seen a few months ago, Baker will continue to spend on local elections to get his republican loyalists in office.


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