Thursday, September 24, 2009

Deval picks Paul Kirk

So now the D's have 60 votes in the Senate. Let's see what happens now with Health Care Reform... and the hand full of critical items before the constantly bickering body.

Beacon Hill as promised, both House and Senate... NOT by overwhelming numbers approved the switch that allowed Deval to pick a temporary replacement for Ted.

Time to move on to the elections in January. The field of candidates continues to grow.. on all sides.


At September 24, 2009 at 12:26 PM , Blogger Old soldier said...

Glad to see we have equal representation now in the Senate. I do question the process used by this state to get that person in place, but am glad we are not under represented. I am curious, the Kirk guy, anyone know his stand on the war, the economy, bail out money, the health care reform bill? Is he going to be a loose cannon or is he just going to do the job of voting as Kennedy would have on these issues. The war in Afghanistan is such a huge issue now and one that will likely come before the Senate in some way over the next few months. I worry more about the votes on that topic than I do about the votes on health care reform.

At September 24, 2009 at 1:54 PM , Blogger concerned voter said...

Old Solider has a good question there. What is this guys stand on these issues, and how is he going to decide what he will vote? Will it be based on what Ted would have done, or on his own agenda? He could be dangerous, can vote however he wants with nothing to lose as he is not able to run for the seat. How is this going to play out Jim?

At September 24, 2009 at 3:40 PM , Blogger Tim W. said...

So many huge issues to deal with, including, but not limited to, health care reform. We need a second voice, as all states have, in the Senate. However, I think we should know what the voice will say. Has this man ever publicly stated his personal stand on any of the issues of the day, if so, where can we find that information? Shouldn’t we have known this before he was appointed? All this hoopla about the people running, what about this man who arguably will be voting on some of the most important issues of our time?

At September 25, 2009 at 4:10 PM , Blogger Defeated in Fram. said...

Jim what's the deal on his association with pharmaceutical companies? Aren't you a pharmaceutical guy?

At September 25, 2009 at 5:21 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

Not only has he sat on a few Boards in the Pharma world, but if Kerry gets his way, a 20 million dollar sneaky appropriation snuck into the defense bill which is strictly for the military, Kirk will benefit from that money as he sits on the Board of the Kennedy Library where a new building is proposed for Ted's memoirs... and Kirk will be there to vote in favor of it...

They got their way.. now lets see how things go down there.

And you just have to love the GOP here in Mass. They are taking Deval to court on the premise that the lighting speed in which Deval picked Kirk, seconds after the Senate gave approval for Deval to pick Teds replacement, violates constitutional muster. This whole thing has made Deval King for a day.. and as we all know, we left England so we didn't have to be ruled by Kings.

At September 25, 2009 at 5:33 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

CV... that's a tuff one. Obama will press for Health Care Reform and let other things slide until he gets something going.

OS knows what's coming...The badge wearing generals are asking for 40k more troops for Afghanistan. We now hear Iran has been allegedly making nuke material in a not so well known place within it's boarders.

Three more suspected terrorist have been bagged ready and willing to blow up things here in the states. Kennedy to his credit voted against the Iraq debacle but as OS points out, whats his stand on the new old war in Afghanistan.

Kirk as far as I read, has been a bystander for many years with Ted and company. He hasn't a platform by which to judge, so bottom line... he's hard to predict and it's my guess, he will be told what to do, from Vickey on down the line.

At September 29, 2009 at 2:10 PM , Blogger Barney said...

Where are you Jim? Thought with so much going on you would be writing up a storm here.


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