Record pay for Banks
From the WSJ: Man on man... the next time some one from either party claims they have dealt with banking reform... ask them how.
The top 38 firms on pace to award 145 BILLION DOLLARS in pay for last year, UP 18%.
Obama now is threatening, a 90 BILLION DOLLAR tax on the banks over 10 years. Or the Congressional name "financial crisis responsibility fee" will effect about 50 banks, insurance companies and large broker dealers.
The action by the President is prompted by the deliberate attempt by Dodd to gut financial reform. Hi-jacked by his own corrupt party loyalist, from the insurance capital of the US, Dodd forces Obama to act quickly.
Their revenue estimated at 450 BILLION DOLLARS, a 25% increase from 2007.
These are the very same companies that we all were told were on the verge of insolvency?
I think it's very safe to deduce, given the profits and compensation being paid last year by the very same banks that were on the verge of collapse, this whole banking crisis may well turn out to be a scam... on all of us.
If this was a scam then how do we find that out for sure? And then what can we do about it? These idiots almost caused the collapse of the American economy so if this was some fake disaster they created to bail them selves out of some bad decisions they made, I would think there should be some pretty high penalties for that. Who regulates the banking industry, and whoever that is, how come they are doing such a lousy job?
Do you really think this whole thing was a scam? I guess I had not thought about it that way but now that you say that it does make me wonder. These people claim they are about to go under and then suddenly the have lots of money to pay bonuses to the employees. Something is not right. But didn’t Obama have them all get rated to determine which banks were in trouble before sending them bailout funds and if that was done did they lie to the people auditing them to see if they qualified for bail out money or did the Obama people just say they looked into the books and not really do it? This is a big huge mess that we can not allow them to just sweep under the rug. Someone has to hold these big bankers accountable for there actions.
I can not beleive the nerve of these guys thinking no one will question them getting these huge bonus payments. Who do they think they are?
These guys are bankers handling our money and the money of businesses too which should mean they should pass any type of sniff test for being honest and ethical. But does not sound like they do. So are we not sniffing enough anymore, or is it that these guys are so good at being dishonest that they can pass any sniff test we give them? Either option is not a good one.
When are we going to just say enough is enough. Remember this tomorrow when you go to the voting booths. The ruling party is letting them get away with this and not putting an end to the mess that started under the Republicans. Neither of these 2 parties gives a damm about us regular guys. So if you want to see change vote for it and elect Kennedy tomorrow. The other 2 just give you more of the same bull that got us into the mess we are in now.
Keep waiting for some rant from you here Jim about tomorrow election, but you have been awfully quiet on that front. Can’t believe you don’t have something to say about the fact it looks like it may actually be a close race. Will be interesting to see if the loyal democrats crawl out of their holes and actually vote in the election now that there candidate is in a real race. Democrats in MA are a lazy bunch when it comes to elections and I am thinking they are going to remain a lazy bunch which could mean a huge upset here in MA for that senate seat.
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