Monday, September 27, 2010

Cannabis Public Policy Questions on this years ballot.

This year marks the 10th year that Public Policy Questions will be asked in certain districts. Tax and Regulate and Medical Marijuana will be seen by a large diverse group of voters in this State. And if you think no one cares or even see's whats going on, keep this in mind, The Teamsters have organized medical marijuana growers in Oakland California. (Wall Street Journal) About 40 employee's of a company have joined Teamsters Local 40. You know it's coming when the unions get involved.

Legalization Question I: Shall the state representative/senator from this district be instructed to vote in favor of legislation that would allow the state to regulate the taxation, cultivation, and sale of marijuana to adults?

FIRST MIDDLESEX AND NORFOLK SENATE - Question 4 in Newton, Brookline, except Precinct 5 where it will be Question 7 and Question 4 in Wellesley, precincts A and C to E, inclusive.
Incumbent CYNTHIA STONE CREEM faces no challenger in the November 2 election.

Seventh Essex - Question 4 in Salem. Incumbent JOHN D. KEENAN (D).

Eighth Essex - Question 4 in the two precincts in East Lynn, Marblehead and Swampscott.

Third Middlesex - Question 4 in Bolton, Maynard and Stow; Question 5 in Hudson.

Thirteenth Norfolk - Question 4 in Dover, precincts 1 and 2 of Medfield and Needham.

Legalization Question II: Shall the State Representative from this district be instructed to vote in favor of legislation that would allow the state to regulate and tax marijuana like alcohol?

Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket - Question 4 in Aquinnah, Chilmark, Edgartown, Nantucket, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury and West Tisbury and Question 5 in Falmouth's precincts 1, 2, 5 and 6, and Gosnold.
Incumbent TIMOTHY R. MADDEN is running without opposition.

First Franklin - Questionn 4 in Belchetown's precincts A and D, Chesterfield, Conway, Deerfield, Goshen, Huntington, Leverett, Montague, New Salem, Pelham, Shutesbury, Wendell, Williamsburg, and Worthington; Question 5 in Sunderland and Whately.
Incumbent STEPHEN KULIK is running without opposition.

Third Hampshire - Question 4 in Amherst and Question 5 in Granby.
Incumbent ELLEN STORY will face Republican DANIEL M. SANDELL and unenrolled in any party DANIEL E. MELICK on November 2.

Thirteenth Middlesex - Question 5 in Lincoln, Sudbury, and Wayland.
Incumbent THOMAS P. CONNOLY is runing without opposition.

The above represents approximately seven and one- half (7.5%) percent of the residents of the state!

Medical Question I:
Shall the state representative from this district be intructed to vote in favor of legislation that would allow patients with their doctor's written recommendation, or such patient's registered caregiver, to possess and grow marijuana for the patient's medical use.
Second Plymouth - Question 5 in precincts 1, 2 and 3, of Bourne, Carver and Wareham.
Incumbent Susan Williams Gifford (R) vs. DAVID A. SMITH (D)

Third Plymouth - Question 4 in Cohasset and Question 5 in Hingham, Hull, and precinct 3 of Scituate. Incumbent Garrett Bradley (D) v. Carlton Alan Chambers (I) and Tim Finnerty (R).

Fifteenth Suffolk - Question 6 in Jamaica Plain/Mission Hill.
Incumbent Jeffrey Sanchez, chair of the Public Health Committee which is sitting on the medical bill is running unopposed on November 2 .

Medical Question II:

Shall the state representative from this district be instructed to vote in favor of legislation that that would allow patients with their doctor's written recommendation, to possess, grow, and purchase marijuana for medical use.

Second Bristol - Question 4 in Wds. 1,2,4,5,6, & Pct. A, Wd. 3 of Attleboro.
Incumbent Democrat BILL BOWLES faces Republican George T. Ross and unenrolled in any party JAMES S. CONNOLLY on November 2.

Fourteenth Bristol - Question 4 in Attleboro' precinct B of ward 3, Mansfield's precincts 2 and 5, North Attleborough and Norton's precinct 2.
Incumbent Republican ELIZABETH A. POIRIER is unopposed.

First Hampden - Question 4 in Holland, Sturbridge, Wales, Ware's precincts B and C, and Warren; Question 5 in Palmer.
Incumbent Republican TODD M. SMOLA is unopposed.

Ninth Norflok - Question 4 in Pcts. 3 & 4 of Medfield, Pct. 1 of Millis Norfolk, Plainville, Pct. 5 of Walpole and Wrentham.
Republican Daniel B. Winslow v. Democrat STANLEY J. NACEWICZ.

Thirteenth Worcester - Question 5 in Paxton and Worcester's Ward 1, precincts 1, 2, 3 and 4, all of ward 9, and precinct 3 of ward 10.
JOHN J. MAHONEY vs. Ronal C. Madnick (I), Bruce R. Card (I), and Paul J. Franco (R) in the General Election on November 2.

Eighteenth Worcester - Question 4 in Bellingham, Blackstone, Millville, and Pcts. 1, 2, & 4 of Uxbridge and Pcts. 1 & 2 of Sutton.
Incumbent Democrat JENNIFER M. CALLAHAN (D) faces Republican RYAN C. FATTMAN on November 2, 2010


At September 27, 2010 at 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t tie yourslef to closely to this issue. There are more important things to be worried about in MA this election cycle. This is important, but not more important than getting people back to work, and no matter how much tax money this may bring in, it is not going to employ thousands of people.

At September 28, 2010 at 8:45 AM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

The only people in this state who are more than willing to pay taxes for their right to consume a plant are cannabis consumers. The estimated revenue could be as high as 50 million dollars. The savings in law enforcement, prisons, court time, probation, etc could be 30 million. In Oakland, the city received 3 million dollars in tax revenue last year, taxing medicinal marijuana.

Beside tolls North and South of the city, casino's and of coarse tax increases, there is no other new revenue source that could generate savings while increasing revenue.

True, tax and regulation will not employ thousands, but it will generate new revenue and that's what we so desperately need now.


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