Monday, December 10, 2018

Debt Exclusion vote tomorrow

So it's down to the vote on Tuesday to replace Fuller. There's no doubt in my mind that Fuller has to be replaced and not repaired any longer. The reasons are numerous and justified. What was hardly written about was the fact that the auditorium is not reimbursable by the State school building committee. That alone is 5Million. Granted, the City oversight committee has done well in pairing down the overall costs from over 100 million to 98 million. The State kicks in almost 40 million and the taxpayer pays for the rest. Your taxes will go up for the next 20 years by 108.00 dollars a year just for the school. Your new property taxes will go up by another 100.00 due to the reevaluation process.
We have no choice but to vote for it if we want that 40 million from the State. I can't even imagine how many people will not vote tomorrow, but I'll bet it will be the lowest in turnouts ever. 


At December 10, 2018 at 3:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the League of Women Voters could have put something together to educate the public on this voting item, since the voters WOULD be voting on this. Nope. Better to put the effort into recycling and the farmer's TDR. 2 things the voters couldn't vote on.

At December 10, 2018 at 4:05 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

We couldn't find anyone who would speak against the debt exclusion. Being a non partisan group, we couldn't take a side in this. The added recycling costs will end up on your tax bill and the TDR will change some areas of Town. We try to inform residents, that's our mission.

At December 10, 2018 at 4:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Added recycling costs likely to run in some type of thousand range. The school will run in the millions.

LWV could have publicized the vote, gave reasons for yes, and said no opposition group would give reasons why to vote against. And while there was no formal NO group, posters on sites have listed the tax increase/the building design/the non reimbursed portions to name just some items. It would not have been difficult to put together a pro and con list for voters where the LWV could have informed the public more about the vote.

At December 10, 2018 at 11:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farmer didn't call in a chit for the school??????

At December 12, 2018 at 2:59 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

I cannot believe there were 3 blanks in last nights vote. Who in the hell would show up and not fill in a circle one way or the other. Not to mention the fact that only 5k voted our of 41k registered voters.


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