Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Candidate forums... our new noise by-law

If you haven't seen any of the candidate forums we did over the past month, you can view them all on the League's FB page. If you watch closely, you may find some answers from some candidates disturbing and ill informed. Some answers may solidify your choice's and some may change your mind. Either way, a well informed voter is our best shot at a better council, as the one we've had may not have lived up to your expectations. 

We now have a noise by-law with a slew of restrictions and exemptions. It's only 13 pages and easy to read. It's worthy of your review as the by-law comes with fines for those who are to loud.

Voters may want to look at the campaign donations made to each candidate.  Enter a candidates name, you'll find out who is contributing to whom. Note the amount of unions and developers who contribute.


At October 31, 2019 at 9:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great links Jim. Thanks for sharing, and thanks to the LWV for doing these really important forums.

At October 31, 2019 at 1:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So with all the issues we face in Framingham, traffic, taxes going up, schools in need of replacement and repair, building like the City Hall crumbling, the opioid epidemic, immmigration and ICE issues, the city council thinks regulating noise is a priority they need to address? Makes me glad to know that 7 of them will not be coming back.

At November 1, 2019 at 10:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim what is your take on PAC money being in play in our local election?

At November 1, 2019 at 12:40 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

Thanks for asking... I was totally disappointed. And for her to say that she knew nothing about is not honest in my opinion. This kind of super PAC money is what most American voters have condemned. Big money donors should stay out of local elections and all elections for that matter. The fact that this money is part of the Baker push for more R's is just another reason why voters should do a guy check before voting next week. And notice... NONE of the few R's in Town have come out and supported this PAC money in our election. That speaks volumes to me. And ultimately, this may backfire in their faces next week. Voters are aware of PAC money corrupting our elections. And yes... the D's are just as bad, but have not funneled money to the D's in any of the races. Voters should look at what the candidate's bring to the council, track record and civic involvement and not be swayed by fancy propaganda mailers with pictures of the Governor on it before voting.

At November 4, 2019 at 3:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to the LWV for those awesome forums that we can view at our convenience. You guys are doing a great job and so much more transparent than previous LWV's here. I don't remember them ever having recordings of forums to review. Great to have you back and hope you are here to stay.


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