Friday, October 30, 2020

where are the new Covid poistive cases coming from

 The good news so far is that the schools aren't the problem.

From WBUR:

 Of the 2,945 ongoing clusters identified between Sept. 27 and Oct. 24, 2,707 were from households, accounting for 6,830 cases. Long-term care facilities came next, with 59 clusters (568 cases), then child care (28 clusters, 70 cases) organized athletics/camps (21 clusters, 91 cases), restaurants and food courts (19 clusters, 70 cases) and K-12 schools (18 clusters, 62 cases). 

- And according to the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's weekly corona virus report, 201 students and 85 staff members tested positive since last week. That's a 42% increase from the week prior, but it still represents only a small fraction of the overall public school population.


At October 30, 2020 at 3:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If households are the main cause of these clusters then we need to be better at getting people to social distance and wear masks when they are not at home. Someone in those households has gone somewhere unprotected and brought the virus home. It does not get into your house by knocking on your door. So where are these people getting the virus from that they are bringing home? isn't that what we should be trying to identify?

At November 1, 2020 at 11:48 AM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

absolutely... if contact tracing was working as we've been told, but even the State has said that contact tracing is only at 50%. I wonder what Framingham's sucess rate is since we dropped out of the State's program?


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