Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Local cops and the Bank Bonus programs.

If you were shocked over the salaries of some of our local cops last week, you weren't alone. The same for the 9 banks who got bail out billions and have paid 5,000 employee's 1 million each in bonuses. Citi Group along gave out 5.33 billion in bonuses in 2008.

The institution are justifying the bonuses by saying no one can do that sort of work at that level and without them, they couldn't be as profitable. They also are afraid of the competition hiring their top performers.

The analogy here is found in Framingham, where cops who work details make over 150,000 a year. The locals claim that they have no reason to apologize for these salaries, and make the point, that if the general public work many hours they are considered working hard. They also claim that now that the Quinn Bill is not fully funded and cops are not compensated for getting more education, good cops will leave for other parts of the country where they will make more money. The unbridled arrogant of law enforcement and it's entitlement attitude has never been so blatant and I submit, will be part of our bankruptcy someday.

Law enforcement, like the big banks continue to enjoy the benefits of political power, threats and intimidation in justifying their pay, while most non union rank and file workers in most all industries can work till they drop and never see that type of money, no matter how long and hard they work.


At August 4, 2009 at 11:48 AM , Blogger Not my problem said...

Actually I think Framingham has a decent police force and it is not the cops that are scaming the system. It is the system that is broken and needs fixing. Hey if I could double my salary working overtime then I would do it also. But if we have that many overtime hours in the Framingham police department, wouldn’t it be cheaper to hire more officers and pay them a regular salary instead of paying overtime to others at a much higher rate?

At August 4, 2009 at 12:27 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

Exactly......... NMP

and what ever happened to the flag man? wouldn't we all be safer in our homes and on our streets if more cops were not standing around watching construction workers?

Name any non union occupation that could double their salary with over time. I can't think of one

At August 4, 2009 at 1:04 PM , Blogger Framingham resident said...

Is the police budget for this fiscal year taking this type of overtime expense into account? If we project this type of overtime pay which means we know about it ahead of time then I think there must be a better solution. If we know it is coming it is not an emergency. And I agree with Pillsbury about flag men. Why can’t we do that, putting some guys to work and saving lots of money because we are not paying overtime to the cops.

At August 4, 2009 at 3:03 PM , Blogger Frustrated in Framingham said...

Don’t get me started on these bonus programs for banks. That is my money and yours that is paying bonuses to this bozos and meanwhile I can not pay my bills. I saw that Bank of America is paying huge fines for the bonuses they paid. We should impose those fines on all these companies paying bonuses with taxpayor dollars.

At August 4, 2009 at 3:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You disappeared here for quite a while. I stopped coming here looking for updates. Thought you had given this up. Glad you are back. Keep the info coming our way.

At August 4, 2009 at 3:51 PM , Blogger new to blogging said...

Plastic bottle, cash for old cars, cops making more than the town manager. How about some good news here. More stories like the lunch program available for hungry kids would be nice that is if there are any more things like that to write about.

At August 5, 2009 at 1:27 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Union workers are hurting this country, not because unions are bad but because they think they can get away with being lazy just because they pay union dues. Fair wages and benefits are what unions get us and that is a good thing. Unions should not protect the guy caught sleeping on the job, or talking on the phone, or texting while driving a bus. Unions should not protect overtime rights either. Once in a while it is normal to need to pay some overtime for any business. But to run a business with huge overtime payments as part of the projected costs means something is wrong. We should be able to have flagmen for a lower rate than we pay overtime to cops. And if the cops want the jobs, then they can get a second job as a flagman and get paid a normal hourly rate for standing around talking to construction and DPW workers. Enough is enough dont you think?

At August 5, 2009 at 2:08 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

New... I wish I had more good things to write about, but they seem to be scarce these days.

We have to make our own good news with what we have to work with.

At August 5, 2009 at 4:20 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

Derek... I think most normal people would agree with you...


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