Eastleigh Farms, Paulini Loam/concrete still unresolved
Last night the BOS averted even more of a pissing contest with Doug Stephen, submitting a statement from the BOS, which included language that stated Eastleigh would not have to pay back water charges, back flow regulators and a water meter to be installed. (already approved by Town Meeting last year)
The hand shake deal that was allegedly made with the Town going back to early and mid 1900's has been the bone of contention. The farm has never had a water meter and when the Town or the developers needed more water pressure, the then multi owners of the land made deals to let pipes, water tower and easements go through their property, in return for no payment for the water they used on the farm.
It's good to see the BOS do something, other than get into ligation with a resident and I do believe the quid pro quo deal made with the farm should be honored. The Town has had numerous chances to install a water meter on the property, going back to the 80's. One would have to conclude, it would be impossible to get an accurate figure on how much water was used in all those years.
A deals a deal and since the Town has benefited in so many ways by using Eastleigh Farm to run infrastructure through it, it makes sense to me that he not pay for his water usage. Losing that piece of land to mic-mansions will cost this Town dearly.
The vote for approval by the ZBA was postponed last night, citing a request from the board to seek counsel advice. I can't imagine how the ZBA can approve this business, in that cubby hole location, knowing full well, the environmental effects, noise and traffic problems that will come. The ZBA meets again tonight but they better have croosed all the T's on this, as the neigbors are furious over this and I wouldn't be surpried if they took this matter to the courts, just on the air quality issue.
Confused here Jim, the vote for what approval by the ZBA was postponed? I thought last night was a BOS meeting, not ZBA?
At last night's ZBA meeting, the decision was postponed till tonight.
The BOS's meeting (Eastleigh) was a separate meeting from the ZBA.
Sorry I wasn't clear.
Decision on what Jim?
Why should the town subsidize a farm, and not a family in dire straits who can not afford to pay their water bill? What is the criteria for deciding to not bill someone? I think the farm has given deeded rights to the town to use some land, and in return, they don’t pay a water bill, right? Why don’t we just install a meter, bill for the water, and then just write it off as payment for the use of the land? That should shut these knuckle heads up who go on and on about why are we allowing him not to pay for water? Curious, does Hanson Farm pay for their water? Did they give the town free use of any of their land?
The ZBA's decision on the concrete plant at Paulini Loam.
Good idea on the swap.
Hansens farm was proteced by the Town some years ago and I'm not sure if they pay for water or not, but they are not letting the Town run water lines under their property.
When does a done deal, not be a deal? If the Town goes back on the deal, will it force Stephan to sell the property and build 145 homes?
The bigger question at this point is, will the MWRA allow Eastleigh not to pay for the water used after the meter goes in? Someone had mentioned that in the meeting last night.
I have to ask why this issue about water for the farm is an issue now if it has been going on like this for more than 40 years? Why are we worried about it now? And if the town meeting approved those back water valves a year ago because it was dangerous not to have them, how come they still have not bee installed? Something does not seem right here. It is urgent, or it isn’t. I think something here is being misrepresented myself, but I am just not sure what that is.
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