Monday, February 15, 2010

Misquito Control and the Big Digs deadly saftey rails

Process to Exclude Property From Public Area Wide Pesticide Applications

State Regulation 333 CMR:13:03 provides a method for homeowners to exclude their property from public area wide pesticide applications. The regulation requires that residents send a certified letter to the town or city clerk by March 1st of each year. The certified letter should specify: your name, address, telephone number, the names of all abutters, and the spray program for which the exclusion is requested. In addition the boundaries of the property must be marked every 50' by orange surveyors tape or other appropriate means. Questions regarding the regulation can be answered by calling the Massachusetts Pesticide Bureau at (617) 626-1781. Questions on pesticide applications by the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project can be answered by calling (781) 899-5730.

Another Big Dig oversight that has killed 7 motorists, including a Mass State Trooper is now being exposed. The riling that is attached to the raised sidewalk for tunnel workers is to blame, according to a legal claim and experts. The wife of the trooper has filed a lawsuit in 2006, claiming her husband would have survived the crash, if the hand rails had been designed properly. While the defendants all say the hand rails are approved and safe, one has to wonder, how this might have been avoided in the first place and how many lives lost does it take, to resolve a problem.


At February 16, 2010 at 3:03 PM , Blogger Barney said...

Having lots of trouble posting to the blog today. Not sure if there is an issue on my end or yours, but I keep getting kicked off. Anyway, I am connecting through the air since my wife will yell at me for being on line while I am on vacation. Have to ask, why would you not want to spray for mosquitos? They carry lots of bad things when they bite you don’t they?

At February 16, 2010 at 3:13 PM , Blogger JJ said...

Another big dig safety issue? I am beginning to think it would be cheaper to shut the whole thing down than to cover the lawsuits that will continue to arise if this thing is as unsafe as it seems to be. Where was OSHA when this thing was being built?

At February 16, 2010 at 3:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curious, what happens if I tell them not to spray my property, and then they do? Is there any recourse?

At February 17, 2010 at 5:12 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...


According to 333CMR, we are allowed exceptions to spraying, but in the same reg, the Commissioner of Public Health has the right to override if he determines the application is being made to protect public health.

Legal recourse... I think you would have to show harm done... to someone or the land. And as the safety precautions clearly state, SOME of what they spray is already known to be harmful to bees and humans.


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