Friday, June 15, 2018

The Feds and gun licenses

According to the Globe, Federal regulations mandate that anyone convicted of a misdemeanor will have their guns taken away. While hunders of gun owners will be effected, including cops who have previously been allowed to have a gun while on duty will most certainly loose their jobs. I remember one such cop here in Framingham who was not allowed to carry a gun unless he was on duty for his past discretion's. Even the Governor has stated that Police Chiefs should strip gun licensees who have misdemeanor convictions. This may also purge police departments across the State who have employees who have domestic violence convictions..


At June 21, 2018 at 1:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do we make sure that cop in Framingham loses his right to carry a fire arm

At June 21, 2018 at 3:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this a change in federal law or just MA law? If just MA will that reciproicty law allow those from other states with misdeamenors to still have their guns here in MA? If someone moves here from TX and has a valid gun permit in TX does that allow him to carry here in MA without applying for a MA permit? Not sure you can answer these questions but if not any idea where I can get the answers?

At June 23, 2018 at 4:48 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

Good questions.. I'll send an e mail to the Chief and ask the same questions..

At June 23, 2018 at 5:20 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

5:30 Sat
Hi Jim. I believe that is correct. I will research it and have a definite answer for you on Monday


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