Saturday, January 5, 2019

A sad reminder: 8 years ago Eurie Stamps was killed

Today is the 8th anniversary of the killing of an innocent black man in his own home.  It still bothers me that the white police officer with a loaded assault rifle with finger on the trigger and with the safety off, pointing the gun at Mr. Stamps head, while lying on the floor of his home was shot to death in what most would say was no accident at all. In any other community in this country, outrage over the killing would be heard loudly and the call for justice would be demanded. Thanks in part to social media and body cams, white cops have been viewed killing innocent black men all around this country, in the name of public safety. The failed war on drugs and the mentality of the local DA, Police Chief and a BOS who kept their eyes closed all contributed to Mr. Stamps death. The fact that the Town agreed to pay the Stamps family 3.75 million in a settlement after the Town for years tried to wiggle out of assuming any responsibility for the killing is little justice for me.
The police officer who violated the departments safe use of a weapon policy's resulting in death and violating the departments ethical code wasn't enough to even warrant a written warning to the officer. This same officer is one of the Cities biggest trouble makers and is still on the force today.  And it appears from the JFlagg consultant report that the boys in blue want the SWAT Team back.


At January 7, 2019 at 2:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sad day indeed. Nice to see someone acknowledge it.


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