Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A kid rings the door bell

and when I opened the door, a taller  male, 15 year old, white kid, riding a bike, asked if I wanted to have him remove the snow at the end of the driveway for 5 or 10 dollars... HOLY SNOW FLAKE BATMAN... in all the years I've lived here, no one has ever asked to shovel snow on this street. I didn't even attempt to run the snowblower, even with 15 HP, with all the water in the snow and the warm temps, I'd be wasting fuel. So there was a few scoops of water soaked snow at the end of the driveway. And it's melting by the hour.
But I did ask him to come back when there's real snow and he said he would. I'm going to ask if he liked to run the snowblower if I can't.

It is refreshing and heart warming to see a young kid, thinking of a way to make a buck and help some old folks. I'm betting he's a good student in school and has parental guidance. 


At February 13, 2019 at 4:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get his name and phone number and post it here. That kids has a future


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