Thursday, November 21, 2019

Police OT around the State

A report on Fox drew my attention, as does any that explores the OT issues in Police Departments. Although our own FPD union president Porter was interviewed for this piece, the reporter didn't bother to look at the reasons why so many officers are asked or forced to work OT.
The piece also asks how safe is it to have officers working over 16 hours and how that relates to alcohol impairment.


At November 21, 2019 at 1:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it very interesting that the same officers who are arresting people for driving under the influence are often "under the influence of lack of sleep" themselves, altering their decision making ability. Yet, we allow them to arrest people when their ability to make a rational decision is in question. Ludicrous.

At November 21, 2019 at 2:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Time to stop giving police the ability to write their own pay checks. It is not safe to have people carrying guns for 16 hours a day, and it is not necessary. Stop allowing police to work traffic details and you wipe out 90% of the overtime bullshit.

At November 21, 2019 at 3:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we just stopped using cops for traffic details that every other state gives to flaggers we could solve the bulk of this problem. How come nobody is mentioning that?

At November 21, 2019 at 3:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact that a beat cop makes well into the 6 figures, significantly more than teachers, is absurd. Where the hell are our priorities?

At November 22, 2019 at 8:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim I heard a story on my way to work on WBZ saying that because of a shortage of crossing guards in Framinaham 2 cops have to do crossing guard duty, which I am sure means overtime for cops. So we pay a crossing guard $5400 a year. What is it costing us to have cops cover these positions? Why don't we have enough crossing guards? I have not seen an ad to hire any.

At November 22, 2019 at 10:54 AM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

I heard the Chief say it would cost over a million dollars to cover crossing guard duties, as apposed to 300k for crossing guard pay. Looks like the chief will suspend the need for each guard to be CPR certified and perhaps lets the guards wear street cloths and a safety vest, so they might be able to go to another job without changing cloths...makes sense to me.
I'd like to see the City utilize DPW workers like they do in Brockton and pay them crossing guard pay rates along with their own salary. It's 45 minutes in the morning and 45 in the afternoon.
And why not see if seniors could do some of the work and get a break on their property taxes.
There would be blood on the streets if we took away detail pay from the cops, but wouldn't that change the entire dynamic.

At November 22, 2019 at 11:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been through Brockton early mornings when the kids are going to shcool and the DPW staff do a great job of handling the crossing guard duties. I also like the idea of making this a job seniors can do for tax breaks. I know several senior who apply year after year but never get the break because there are not enough slots for them to fill This would be perfect for them.


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