Thursday, January 30, 2020

School Committee meeting last night

Have a peak at what was said in public comment at the School Committee meeting last night. Don't worry, Gerry Bloomberg is not speaking.

0 to 26:40

And Bob Trembley's report to the SC, starts at 1:32:20 to 1:50:00

I get he wants more data from the buss drivers, but imo, he already knows that there's issues of children misbehaving not only on the buss ride but in the school. 
IMO, there needs to be a sub-committee that exclusively deals with bad behavior. There must be some way to real in the parents of these kids and make it clear, their kids shape up or ship out.
Not that it matters, but even in my day, we would be thrown off the bus if we swore at anyone, if we stood up, the buss would stop, if we were loud, we were told to quite down. I had to hitch-hike to school when I was in high school.
Perhaps there's not enough buss monitors or camera's on the buses or perhaps the parents of the unruly children should be made to ride the buss or sit in class to see how bad their kids are behaving. 

A task force should be assembled to address and come up with some plan to curb the violence and improve student safety. Someone from Petrini Associates should be a part of any discussion moving forward as the laws seem to favor bad behavior and not hold anyone accountable which leave everyone involved without a clear path forward trying to maintain a safe and productive school environment.


At January 30, 2020 at 2:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need a task force with some power and authority and we do need to hold students and parents accoutable, but I doubt we will do any of these things given our past performance dealing with these issues

At January 30, 2020 at 4:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we can't manage our bus drivers how the hell can we manage our schools?

At January 31, 2020 at 9:08 AM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

Nothing to see hear according to the State Ethics investigation into Gloria Pascual's behavior on the contract negotiation committee she served on until she was removed from the committee for allegedly interfering in the process.

Seems to me there's more to the story.

At February 3, 2020 at 9:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim when you say there's more to the story do you mean you think she did do something wrong or that the whole thing was a scheme to take down Pascual?

At February 3, 2020 at 10:06 AM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

It certainly looks fishy to me and the timing is even more suspicious. I think Epstein has it out for her and maybe a few others. Was she wrong to talk with the union members? I guess so.
Being vindicated by an independent watch dog group tells me she wasn't violating any ethics laws. And being that she only lost by a slim margin tells me the bad press had something to do with her losing.

At February 3, 2020 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Epstein's attitude is clear as day. Timing was very suspicious. In regards to her talking to union members what do we even know for sure about that? Are we talking any talk like a casual conversation about the weather or are we talkin about the negotiations?


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