A new Health Director, Assessor and VSO.. and more bad behavior
City Council approved Ms. DePalo as Heath director. She certainly knows Framingham and our struggles with Covid. I was disappointed in her answer to whether we should have mandated vaccinations in light of the amount of un-vaxed in our schools, 63% of Teachers, 39% Custodians, & Only 13% Food Service
Workers Have Received COVID-19 Vaccine. So we have no numbers of city employee's not vaxed but since the administration is not pushing out a number, I suspect it could be higher amongst some departments. Mandating the shoots for all employee's is the only answer.
Last night's DC meeting looked just like the 4 years. When the COO presents the Mayor's report, Mike seems to just be waiting to pounce. And George just lets it all go.
And I learned last night we have a new assessor John Neice. Seems like he has the credentials and experience.
And a new VSO, Kathy Lang. She said that she was a veteran in the Vietnam era but didn't elaborate what branch or where she served. Time will tell if she's a good fit.
How come we heard about these 2 new city employees here and no where else? City website does not have this info
The only reason I know is because I watch the cc meetings.
The lack of up to date, relevant info has been a hallmark of many current and past administrations.
Does anyone know why the last VSO left? And we should no a lot more about this new one. Is she actually a veteran? What branch of the service?
Anyone know what the hiring process was for this position?
I had not heard anything about why the VSO and his assistant left at the same time but it does look bad. But I don't think we will know.
I'm not at all sure of how the hiring process went for these two new positions. I do wonder who they didn't pick and how many applied, but those facts are not available.
I thought the mayor said she was going to be "transparent". It seems like even the DC's did not know about the new VSO. How can we find out when the job was posted, where it was posted, how many applied, and what the service record is for the new VSO? So we have to file a FOI request to get this information?
I've written to Ms Lang and invited her to our POW MIA day event on the 17th. I also asked if she had her Vietnam War pin and if she didn't I could get her one if she gives me a copy of her DD214.
In the past when i asked about who applied for a job here it was shut down because the parties didn't want their employers to know they were looking for another job. I guess that makes sense, until someone is hired and then it should be public knowledge.
I'm not at all surprised that the council didn't know, after all, they didn't need to approve the hire.
A FOIA request may be in order, but you may be disappointed with the answer.
When and where is your POW event? I have not heard anything about it
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