Sunday, April 17, 2022

FPD Body Cams


Viewing on TV the death of another innocent black man as he was killed by an officer wearing a body cam reinforces my belief that body cams are important to police reform. Along with cell phone recordings we know pretty much what happened in real time thanks to the officer’s body cam and a witness’s cell phone. This reminds me that FPD still have not made much progress in buying the cameras and associated equipment, even though Governor Baker would foot the bill for the entire sworn force. Other communities have taken advantage of the Governor’s grant program already. In last year’s election our mayor said he was in favor of police body cams and I hope that would include dash cams. The public and the police are safer with transparent and accurate accounts of interactions with each other.

Write the if you believe it’s time FPD had body cams and dash cams.


At April 19, 2022 at 2:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what would have happened if the cop who shot Eurie Stamps had on a bodycam.

At April 19, 2022 at 5:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Framingham has even done the paperwork to get these paid for by the State/Baker? Our new mayor has been in office now for over 100 days, plenty of time to get this done if he was serious about having officers wear bodycams

At April 20, 2022 at 9:52 AM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

A few weeks ago I wrote to the new CFO about the grants and she wrote that she was not aware of the program but would look into it.

I did ask the past administration if they had applied with a solid "no".

My fear is that all this foot dragging by the Mayor will cause us (Framingham) to miss out on the funding before Baker leaves office.

RE Eurie Stamps, it would have made a huge difference in the investigation.


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