Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The lack of transparency in FinCom 3.0

 If you have been watching the cavalier approach to the budget this year by FinCom and wondered how it went from not so bad to really bad your not alone. For as many years as I can recall, including the past administration, each division came before the FinCom or Town Meeting and presented their budget and explained why they are spending, on what and the results of past spending and justified why they are asking for more money.

But now, under the lack luster leadership of King, Steiner and Cannon, no division is being asked to present. The only review is if one of the members of FinCom had a question. And even then, the new CFO is answering the questions.

The police division was asked to come in and talk about 4 new cops that were taken out of the budget last year, after the Chief a week before tried to explain the LPR's that have been around since 2010 and the policy governing the use and specifically the storage of data and who could access it and for what reason. Lester said the policy was here and updated recently. Needless to say, that wasn't true as the policy had been assembled by cut and paste from web sites that are unknown in the past few days. I received the policy along with the FinCom group last week.

It's clear to me now that any of our questions that are sent to our councilors will not be asked by FinCom.

Below are the questions I sent to Mike, George and Adam.

DPW Fleet

Do they keep track of the inventory of spare parts somewhere?

How many tires do they buy a year?


DPW Highway

Have they built into the budget the near doubling of diesel fuel?

10k for beaver deceivers… didn't we buy them years ago when we had beaver gate?

How do they keep track of the inventory?

Have we ever had a "hot box" in Town?

How many times would we use it?


DPW Sanitation

How many packers do we have and how much is spent in maintenance of the packers?

There needs to be an explanation of the large increases in trash and recycling

120k for school and municipal pick-up   has this always happened?

School cardboard collection.. Why aren't we just doing it?

55k in recycling fees needs vetting

40 yard containers that need replacing. can we lease them cheaper than buying new ones?


Street Lights

Do they maintain the pole mounted LPR's now?

Do they keep track of spare parts?



Where do the recycled cars go within the police department?

how many miles on the cruisers in three years when they are recycled?

Do they keep track of the spare parts inventory?

Why do we need 4 more officers? Is the crime rate increasing?

In travel

Does that include officers traveling around the country to go to funerals? Do the officers get OT?

Is there enough money in the budget to equip all detail officers with orange gloves?

Is the office space lease for the drug task force in the budget?

Are you pursuing grants from the State for body cams?

Education, Training, dues 144K can this be broken down at all? Is there Quin Bill money there?

Are there any rape kits from Framingham that have not been tested for DNA by the State Police lab?

How many sworn officers have been tested as part of the Police Reform Standards? Have any been decertified?


Enterprise Fund

93 k for details…. What does FPD charge DPW for detail officers?

 In the budget, Media Services is asking the council to approve spending 100k on a new sound system for Nevins Hall.

I wrote this note to Adam, Mike and George last week. After watching the meeting about this on Saturday and Monday, it’s even more clear that members of FinCom do not have broad based knowledge of most parts of the budget and are not even curious enough to ask any relevant questions. The new CFO just doesn’t understand and is not aware of the past history in many areas, including media services.

I'm making the case to have Media Services come before your committee. I watched last night's meeting and was surprised to hear you just want certain divisions to appear and answer questions.

In the media service budget, they have over 100k in capital requests in the operating budget. The largest amount is for a new sound system in Nevins. As you may remember, in 2008 a feasibility study was commissioned to ascertain what it would take to make the hall more attractive to others who want a large space. The bottom line was that 10's of millions would have to be spent to upgrade the hall with a kitchen, improved access, stage improvements, etc and of course the sound system.

Fast forward to 2013 when a highly celebrated sound system was installed at great expense as I remember. And as you may also remember, that same sound system never worked right from the get go. TM members and the folks watching on TV complained year after year about the sound, but nothing was ever done. The fact still remains, Nevins Hall is a concert venue and not a place for meetings. The sound systems needed are totally different.

Lets face it, Nevins Hall is not needed any longer for large gatherings with a new auditorium in Fuller and the High School auditorium. That great open space would be better utilized as office space. There's no reason whatsoever to spend more money on a sound system that may not work well and is not needed. The lack of oversight in media service spending should be questioned. Along with spending money on the mobile production truck. We are the only community that I've found in the State that has a production mobile truck for Gov Access. There's no need for it and hasn't been used in years, nor will it be. Technology has improved so much that everything can be done with one camera on a tripod, like the re-dedication of the Veterans Park earlier this year.

I'm sure you know the money Gov TV receives is from the cable franchise agreements and not from the general fund. Regardless of that, media services should be questioned on their requests and while you're at it, broadcast quality issues, updating the main web page and resolving what meetings are recorded should be part of the budget process.






At May 18, 2022 at 2:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

good questions jimbo. did you get any answer to even one of them?

At May 18, 2022 at 5:38 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

Nothing definitive from anyone involved. So the next step will come this week when they take votes on each division. And then off to the full counsel. I keep hearing George wants to shave the levy by a half a point but we've all heard that before. Taxpayers are in for sticker shock when the water bills come with a 16% increase, perhaps 300 to 400 hundred dollars in property tax increases, Fuller, CPA and the unknown at this point is the wastewater charge, which I'm guessing will be around 100 dollars a quarter for home owners. Larger paved properties will get whacked the most, like schools and commercial properties.
Residents who have kept their heads in the sand will be screaming the loudest... but no one will hear them IMO.
Spend like there's no recession at all.

At May 19, 2022 at 11:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are they pretty much giving every department a pass on presenting a detailed plan for their budget requests? In this era of high inflation, high gas prices, and the unknowns related to Covid I would have expected a deep dive into every department's budget. And what I expect should be respected by these bozos on FinCom as they are suggesting a 2.5% increase in property taxes plus a very significant rise in our water and sewer rates. This can be the difference for may on fixed incomes to staying here in Framingham or selling and leaving. Have you seen how many homes have for sale signs on their front lawns here in Framingham? I suspect many of those are because they can no longer afford to live here.

At May 19, 2022 at 1:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gota say that there are far more important things to spend money on than a sound system for a hall that never gets used. Let's get real here, our DCs don't give a dam about anything expect spouting off and trying to sound important. What their constituents want does not even appear to enter into their thinking.

At May 19, 2022 at 4:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not just a lack of transparency for budget issues. How about lack of transparancy about those license plate readers from the cops? And the issues with bad behavior from students on buses? And what position is Rick Finlay getting for the city? And what is going to happen when those auxilary cops are not available any more? And where is the ARPA money from the feds being spent? And why does the clerk's office need so many more people than they did when Valerie was the City Clerk? Lots of issues that never get a public airing if you ask me.

At May 24, 2022 at 12:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim you are so right about Nevins. It's complete waste of space. The whole City hall is a waste of space. There isn't any real historical value that anyone speaks of. No one comes to the City Hall for a tour. It should be knocked down and replaced with a multi level garage to help support the businesses downtown. The City hall should be relocated to some type of modern facility with a big parking lot and easy to drive to.

At May 25, 2022 at 9:13 AM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

I would submit that the front hall of plaques should be saved as it pays tribute to those who sacrificed their lives for this country in war, who are from Framingham.

At May 25, 2022 at 9:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the actual front hall really need to be preserved? Aren't the plaques what are important? Couldn't a remberance hall be located in a different building where it would be easier for people to get to, have better parking, and so on?

At May 25, 2022 at 12:00 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

True. Should be at the seat of government wherever that ends up being.


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