Saving money with civilian Flaggers
A recent report provided by AP, shows that the State saved 28,000 dollars during 4 relatively slow days in May here in Mass. 49 other states allow civilian flaggers as a way to save money on construction sites and allows companies to under bid companies who do not use civilian flaggers.
There will be police picket lines around Devals events as he has promised us all that civilian flaggers will be used. Baker wants flaggers to be paid less than cops and Cahill has said civilian flaggers have cost the State more than using police officers.
Last week while trying to get down Concord Street, we were detoured and no less than 2 Sheriffs cars with Sheriffs stood by the detour signs. So we don't have enough of Framinghma's finest to do detail, we have to import sheriffs deputies. It's absolutely sicking.
I don’t think I understand this. I thought the state had decided to not allow these civilian flaggers, but you say they are used in some places. But we don’t use them in Framingham, we pay Sherrif’s officers to do the job? Can you exlain the when they can get used and why not all the time to us Jim?
We think it is ok to have our 5 year old kids walk 2 miles to school, and 2 miles home each day, without the assistance of a police officer. At best, they have crossing guards at busy intersections. But we must have cops at construction sites to protect construction workers? Something is radically wrong with the minds that think that is a sensible equation.
Who lets their 5 year old kids walk 2 miles to school? And who thinks its ok? Try another comparison please.
Curious, what does it cost to pay a Framingham cop to do one of these details, and what does it cost to have a Sheriffs department officer do it? Maybe it saves us money to use the officer from the Sherriff’s department?
Clearly you don’t live in Framingham. Starting in Sept. 2010, all kids, including those in kindergarten, have to walk to school if they live 2 miles or less from the school. If you don’t have a car to drive them in, then they have to walk. Maybe you should know what is going on in your own town before you post comments on a web site.
We are cutting police officers and/or cutting police budgets. I suspect there are more important jobs that need to be done than these details. Let the civilan flaggers do this so the cops can do the jobs the require the expertise they have to do it.
We pay people for the value of the job they are required to do, and their ability to do that job. I don’t get paid extra as a salesman at Lowe’s because I can be the HR Vice President at a multi-national corporation. I get paid for the work I do at Lowe’s. Same is true for the flaggers positions. Why pay for a cop when a flagger is all we need?
It is a simple matter of math. Cops cost X amount of $ per hour, civilian flaggers cost Y amount of $ per hour. You just have to go with the one that costs the least in these economic times. Nothing against the cops. If they want to do the job for the same money the civilian flaggers do it for, then happy to have them do that.
J. Price, I DO in fact live in Framingham and my point in reponding to the first 'annonymous' was that who needs cops to look after your kids walking to school if they are only 5 year olds...shouldn't the parents be walking WITH THEM and securing their safety? I don't know anyone who thinks that letting little 5 year old Jonney or Sally walk down the block by themselves these days, let alone for two miles. The comparison dosen't work if we're talking about, in part, a child's safety. So maybe YOU should use your brain before commenting on a oooooooooooo "web site".
" a good idea...let alone for two miles" that is....whoops!
Anonymous. Exactly what planet do you live on? I see kids walking to school every single day of the school year, and most are not walking with parents. I am pretty sure the reason we plow sidewalks is because kids walk to school on them. Are these kids 5? Probably not before since they had a bus pick them up this year. Will there be 5 yr olds with irresposible parents letting them walk to school next year? Here in Framingham, I would have to say that is a yes. Should that be the case? No. Will it be the case? Yes. We are not talking about Natick here, we are talking about Framingham. The reality is there will be young children walking to school and there won't be cops at the crosswalks to stop traffic and let them cross, there will be crossing guards, who are paid a lot less than cops are. A crossing guard controls traffic so kids can cross the street. A cop at a construction detail controls traffic around a hole in the ground. You tell me which is more important? Sounds like to you, that hole in the ground is.
Annonymous, sorry, but there really isn't a way for you to substantiate a great number (or any number) of people who would allow their 5 year old to walk 2 miles to school...the 5 year olds...THATS what was the age number here that you originally posted. And thats what I was commenting on. But you really don't know, do you, seeing that the school year hasn't even started yet. So don't start the assumptions already....
Speaking of assumptions, your comment,
"You tell me which is more important? Sounds like to you, that hole in the ground is" is a clear assumption on your part. I actually agree that civilians should be used. But you made a unfounded leap even though I never stated what my position was.
Clearly YOU are the one that should come back down to planet earth.
Anonymous, I would suggest we both just agree to disagree. Seems like a lot of writing about nothing. Good luck!
If it works in 49 other states, there is no reason it can not work here, except that here in MA, we let the unions run the show instead of the voters. I have nothing against cops and nothing against people being paid to work these details. But we simply can not afford it anymore. We need to take the option that does the job and costs the least. Put the detail work out to bid, the lowest bidder gets the contract to do all the road repair detail work in Framingham. Why can’t we just do that?
Ok.. we got away from the message a little and I've heard from parents who are outraged over the distance little ones would have to walk. There are no easy answers here... as we are paying for great ideas from the past when money flowed like water in the school budget.
When I spoke to Chief Carl a few years ago about flaggers, he stated then that there was no certified flaggers yet. And he may have been correct. The powers that be, made sure they could stall civilian fallgers as long as possible.
Unions play a major role in this also. Like the Quinn funding, unions have demanded they are at work sites that are union controlled.
I'm not sure what it would take to get civilian flaggers here in Framingham, but I am sure, it will take courage on behalf of the Selectman to bring forward an article to Town Meeting, or maybe a courageous TMM. Either way, taking a valuable political perk away from cops is like taking away their coffee and donuts.
And just take a look at those cops Jim, they would REALLY miss those donuts if you take them away, so there would be a fight about doing that I am sure!
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