Monday, December 27, 2021

Sobering comments from superintendent Bob Tremblay

 In the last SC meeting on the 15th, Bob Tremblay presented the committee the covid vaccination rates. All staff is at 86%, HS kids are at 67% and the middle schooler's are between 40 and 60 %. After all this time, those numbers are so bad. 

Other parts of his report include, schools will not be allowed to close because of covid, Framingham Schools are hiring people who have left their jobs because of vaccine mandates from their previous employer and even with the vaccine clinics held by the schools, participation is very low.

So lets see if Charlie will mandate vaccines like he said he was in favor of for all Framingham employee's and make wearing of masks mandatory for all public places.

We will never be free from this horrible pandemic until vaccines are mandated for everyone, young and old. It's time to take a hard line on those who ignore the seriousness of the problem.

Start 29:43 to 45:48


At December 27, 2021 at 3:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see if Charlie has any backbone. Stop talking the talk and walk the walk. On Day One, he should require masks be worn in all public places and private establishments in Framingham. If you have to keep restaurants and bars open, implement vaccine requirements to frequent restaurants, bars. The school district also needs to clamp down on symptomatic staff and students. If you have symptoms of any sort, you get sent home until you can get a negative test or you've quarantined for the requisite amount of time when symptoms disappear. If it is within Charie or Tremblay's power, a vaccine requirement should be instituted for the schools. Other vaccines are required for enrollment and registration. Why should COVID be different?

To be fair, it is not just Framingham that has dropped the ball. The state DESE needs to be dismantled and completely rebuilt. Everyone part of it currently must be fired and all new people must be hired when the new governor takes office next year.


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