Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Holiday Wish

Thank you one and all for your best wishes and kind regards as we approach the holidays. Thanks to this blog and my talented fiance, I am able to express my sincerest best wishes for everyone who has visited, and continues to visit, our blog. We all face challenging times ahead and a new understanding and patience will be needed to get through these troubled times. Together we can make a difference, slow maybe, but steady.

Take care of the ones that are dearest to you and show some compassion for those who are less fortunate. Our world will be better for it. Stay well, stay informed, and bring peace to your lives.




Thursday, December 4, 2008

Come One Come All Toll Hike Protest

If you have followed the news, you would have seen the large protest in E Boston on 12/3 over the proposed Toll Hike. Please check out the good people at www.stopthepike.org and www.stopthepikehike.org . There is credible, working class opposition to the hikes and the gas tax increase.
I invite ALL who want to show your NON support of a Toll Hike and gas tax increase, while the commuters from the North and South still pay nothing for the Big Dig debt, to gather outside, in the front of the Memorial Building, 150 Union Ave, at 6PM. The public meeting starts at 6:30 PM in Nevins Hall. Send a message to Rep Pam Richardson, Rep.PamRichardson@hou.state.ma.us , Senator Karen Splika , Karen.E.Spilka@state.ma.us and all the rest of the Metro West Legislators, the Governor, Benard Cohen and Alan LeBovidge, inform them of your complete disappointment with their actions and tell them, to take a hike … with the hike and demand fairness from them all.
Contact me if you wish to help organize, jimpillsbury@verizon.net
Who to contact:

Governor's Office

Governor Deval Patrick
Office of the Governor
Room 360
Boston, MA 02133
p- 1-888-870-7770

Your State Legislators


State of Massachusetts
Transportation Secretary

Bernard Cohen
Executive Office of Transportation
10 Park Plaza, Suite 3170
Boston, MA 02116

p- 617-973-7000
f- 617-973-8031

Mass Turnpike Authority
Executive Director

Alan LeBovidge
Mass Turnpike Authority
State Transportation Building
10 Park Plaza, Suite 4160
Boston, MA 02116

p- 617-248-2800