Monday, April 29, 2024

Former trooper gets 5 years in prison for overtime theft case

 Justice has prevailed

A federal judge on Friday sentenced former Mass. State Police Lt. Daniel J. Griffin to five years in prison for his role in a scheme to steal overtime funds by claiming hours that were not actually worked. Griffin, who was convicted on multiple charges in December, was labeled the 'poster boy' of state police corruption by prosecutors, who had asked for a six-year prison term, Craig Semon of the Telegram reports. — Worcester Telegram & Gazette


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Don't shot the messenger... Report claims CBD for chronic pain may not work


The publisher is science alert. They appear to be very legit at it's core. They review what little clinical studies there are regarding the efficacy of CBD on chronic pain. No matter what form of CBD one uses. I personally have used topical for a knee injury and it appears to dull the pain or maybe it's wishful thinking. The authors do suggest that more clinical studies need to be done and I agree. But the Jennie is out of the bottle and not going back in. The medical marijuana and the CBD markets are booming and show no sign of slowing down despite what naysayers write. More elderly people are turning to THC/CBD remedies to hopefully reduce the pharmaceuticals they are on now. It may not work the same for everybody but it sure does work for many once they figure out the dosage. That's where more studies come in.

 I do use a THC/CBD combination 1:2 and it does help me fall asleep and stay asleep for a good 8 hours plus. While it never helped me with my herniated disc pain or my bulging disk pain years before, it did allow me to say no to any opiate the doctors suggested. 


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Monday, April 1, 2024

Should we ban cell phone use during the school day?

 In Sunday's Boston Globe , Steph Machado writes a piece called "Unplugging kids from the phones". She reports on how the Central Falls, RI schools are fairing since banning phones, air pods and smartwatches.  and other devices during school hours. 

It appears that most students are in favor, teachers seem to be happier and kids seem to be talking to one another in person. The school district has spent 117,000 for locking pouches.

After watching the videos Framingham students made of fellow students being beaten, perhaps the school committee is looking into banning the phones during the day a subject worth looking into. 

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