Wednesday, December 28, 2022

The Holiday tree is now wood chips

I know now from a series of FOIA requests that a donor who had donated a tree in the past, was willing to donate this year (2022) but no one asked, but did write that the tree is available for 2023. Emails addressed to Cherry Baram, the Mayor, Mike Tusino, Robert Lewis and Jim Paolini from Jennifer Nall letting everyone know about the donated tree.

Today the tree was removed from the Memorial building and is now wood chips. No advanced warning of street closures or the route the tree would take back to the DPW yard as when it was cut down in November. 

I also learned that back in September of this year the mayor and Mike Tusino received emails from a company that supplies large Christmas trees. 

Anyone wishing to see the results from the FOIA request can be seen at

under my name.

The ground at Cushing where the tree grew for the past 40 years is now de-stumped, covered with top soil and seeded. All the hand wringing and made up excuses on the administration's part show how far they will go to defend an employee who didn't do their job and their ass-covering stories that are supposed to be for the public to accept. 

Bottom line, no tree should be cut down in any public park to be used as a holiday tree at the memorial building if a suitable tree is available to be donated.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The first POST (Police Officers Standards and Training Comission) report


As many of you know every police department in Mass is required to report all misconduct by officers for the POST Commission. The MWDN and Norman Miller requested reported misconduct numbers from metro west and Milford area police departments for the past 10 years. Framingham PD reported 69 misconduct reports, 23 sustained, 40 exonerated, 6 had no action taken or remain open, 12 written warnings, one verbal warning, 1 counseled, and 1 was suspension. 

We will have to wait for the POST Commission to publish all the reports and outcomes in more detail on-line, sometime in the near future. 

The piece Norman did take the whole page (2A) and covered 10 Towns. Worth buying today's paper.