Friday, July 2, 2010

Brown stops the unemployed from seeing the green

Our newest Senator has thrown his R weight around and voted against the unemployment extension and finance reform. According to the Globe, Senator Browns Boston office has been a hot bed of protest activity and I see no reason for this to stop. He, like his counterparts have left Washington leaving hundreds of thousands of Mass residents without a paycheck for the last month... AND, voted against a finance reform package that would have taxed banks a small portion of their income.

The only hope for the unemployment extension is that around July 16th the Senate will once again take a vote, after the replacement is picked for the recently deceased Senator Byrd, bringing back the majority to the D side.

Hang in there and hope that the Senate feels our pain.


At July 7, 2010 at 11:12 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

The republicans have decided to not pass anything that will help the middle class, and do everything they can to hurt them, from now until the elections in November in the hope that it will make everyone angry at the people in power and help them to win some additional seats in Congress. They think we are all stupid and will blame the democrats since they are the majority party. If we let them get away with this, then we are as stupid as they think we are. I hope we prove them wrong.

At July 7, 2010 at 11:38 AM , Blogger Interested reader said...

My unemployment ran out one day after the date where I could have gotten an extension. So some people can collect for 99 weeks, but not all of us can. Tell me where the justice is in that equation? My wife has been the only working member of this partnership for almost 2 years now. My unemployment check was a crucial part of our being able to hold on. Now that is gone and the pressure on her is 10 times worse. She goes off to work every morning and I stay home and watch CNN to see if there is any hope of things getting better. Even if I found a new job today, we won’t ever recoup the damage done to our economic status in the last 2 years. My credit cards are maxed out, and I have not told her that yet. Now she will have to pay those credit cards because I have no income. This Congress should be ashamed of themselves for the damage they are doing to American families. If they don’t decide to extend this, we are going to lose everything very quickly. Our cushion is gone. So while they play games and said and eat lobster and sirloins at their holiday cookouts, my family is eating cheap hotdogs and sweltering because we can not afford the electric bill if we turn the a/c on. Senator Brown is not looking out for the working class, the middle class, her in MA. Senator Brown is looking out for the banks and the oil companies. I hope some of you that voted for him are in the same boat as me right now. Coakley would have been the one more vote they needed to pass that unemployment extension and my family would be able to eat a decent meal tonight. Because you voted Brown in, my family goes hungry. Thanks to all of you idiots who believed the stories Brown told in order to get elected. They clearly were lies.

At July 7, 2010 at 1:24 PM , Blogger Brian V. said...

Congress goes on holiday leaving millions of Americans without any money to cover the basics. How can any one of the people in this Congress voting against extending benefits to those in need expect to get elected again?

At July 7, 2010 at 1:46 PM , Blogger Can't think of a name said...

Interested, at least your wife is still there so you have some source of income. My husband hung in for a year, and then said he was tired of being the only support since I was collecting, and he left. I lost my house after that, my car got repossessed, and I now live with my elderly parents. Count your blessings that she stayed with you. Believe me, it could be worse.

At July 7, 2010 at 1:57 PM , Blogger Alpha Dog said...

Have you listened to the news you jerk? There are millions of people out of work, and there are not millions of jobs looking for someone to take them, so obviously, not everyone who wants to work can get a job. Besides, cutting out the unemployment benefits will significantly slow down the economic turn around, so it is a mistake all the way around. We are suppose to be jump starting our economy, not shutting it down.

At July 7, 2010 at 2:01 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

can't think of a name... I am very sorry to hear that.

At July 7, 2010 at 4:25 PM , Blogger Old Blogger said...

Pillsbury, any idea when this may actually come up for a vote again? I keep watching the news, but seems that no one is even talking about this being voted on again. Is it a done deal that we are not going to see any extension, or is there still a chance we may get something?

At July 7, 2010 at 4:47 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

We are so tired of hearing that the unemployed are lazy and just living the good life. We are not lazy, we are and have always been the hard working backbone of this country. We feel we have been abandoned by the government we use to respect, trust, and worked so hard for.

At July 7, 2010 at 4:53 PM , Blogger B. Murray said...

The majority of Americans are middle of the road, blue collar, hard working people. Blue-collar workers have been abandoned by our country’s leaders. I just can’t believe our government has abandoned so many of us.

At July 8, 2010 at 4:16 PM , Blogger Jim Pillsbury said...

As I understand it, when the elite go back to work next week, the extension for UE benefits will be heard.

I honestly can't imagine them not passing it. It may be spilt off from other legislation that has stalled due to Senators Brown and others who don't want to pass anything without it being paid for.

How absolutely hypocritical of those slugs who have prostituted themselves for campaign contributions, lax oil and financial regulations, etc, etc.

Those who argue against the extension are not dealing with working class reality.

hang tight another week and prey for the 300,000 neighbors who are not getting a check.


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