Thursday, December 14, 2017

Subcommittee Assigments

The subcommittee assignments are:

Economic Development (5)
Mike Cannon, Chair
Margareth Shepard
Cheryl Tully Stoll
Edgardo Torres
Dennis Giombetti

Education (3)
Adam Steiner, Chair
Pam Richardson
Cheryl Tully Stoll

Environment (3)
Judy Grove, Chair
Pam Richardson
Edgardo Torres

Appointments (5)
Cheryl Tully Stoll, Chair
Edgardo Torres
Dennis Giombetti
Margareth Shepard
Michael Cannon

Rules (3)
Pam Richardson, Chair
George King
Adam Steiner

Finance (5)
George King, Chair
Charlie Sisitsky
MIchael Rossi
Adam Steiner
Judy Grove

Planning and Zoning (3)
Charlie Sisitsky, Chair
Michael Rossi
George King

The only surprise is with all his talk about being on the fiance committee, Cannon didn't get appointed to the new Finance Committee.  Good thing George King is Chair.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Public Safety Policy Committee shot down

I give credit to Mr. Steiner for proposing adding to the 7 committees a Public Safety Policy Committee. With all that has transpired over the past 5 years and all that is still going on in both Police and Fire, the city administration should have included the committee. In a 7 to 4 vote against, I would say they (council) is already showing signs of weakness in dealing with a out of control police and fire departments. Only 2 council members spoke out against, Sistky and Cannon. It does make sense that Cannon would not want his FFD backers to be called into question. He should have recused himself, since FFD endorsed him.  Charlie wants to maintain the status quo.. even now.
Soon or later, Public Safety will have to come under scrutiny by the Mayor and the council.
24 minutes into the meeting is the discussion about Mr. Steiner's proposal.

I was somewhat successful in getting Cannon to publish his home address on the government site, but still he has not identified his business, neither has Shepard.
If, as the City supporters have said in the past, our new government should be transparent from the beginning.

Friday, December 1, 2017

6,000 drug cases to be dismissed

The judges have it right... the evidence in all the cases has been compromissed. For us in Framingham, Middlesex County will drop 245 cases. Not all are in Framingham, but it will be interesting to see how many and if these defendaents have had thier money, property or anything else taken in civil forfiture, given back. It is noteworthy to know that the cop who has been convicted of stealing as much as 70k from the evidence room, if any of that money will come from tax dollars to pay back. It's my bet, that no one on the council, including the Maor would ever question the Middlesex DA or FPD.
Time will tell and perhaps the MWDN will ask the DA's office.