Friday, April 17, 2020

Judge rules Baker had the right to close pot shops

 Superior Court Judge Kenneth Salinger ruled Thursday that Baker was with-in his right to close reatail pot shops and treat medical marijuana facilities and liquor stores differently than recreational stores has a rational basis and therefore constitional. The Judge rejected aruments from Baker's attourneys that becauuse the state's declaratory judgement law dosen't apply to the govenor, the court could nort even consider the lawsuit.
"Even during an emergency, the Governor does not have un-reviewable authority and may not disobey consttional constraints".

While we have no shops in Framingham, the few that were open in other Towns were paying 3% of their sales to the host community. That money may have seemed trivial a few months ago, but things have changed and municipalities will be laying off people and cutting service very soon due to the lack of revenue.

From MassLive


At April 17, 2020 at 3:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Makes no sense to have these closed primarily because of the loss of income to the state by closing these. We should all remind him of that when he does not have enough money to run the state in the next fiscal year.


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