Monday, January 10, 2022

We lost a pillar of our Town... Dave Hutchinson

 Dave passed away January 7th, at 90. I've only known Dave for 20 years or so and a few years ago met his wife Alma and his kids on my TV show in 2013. We presented Dave with a Life Time Achievement Award and he certainly deserved it. Anybody who was anybody was there, Karen Spilka, Chris Walsh, Bill Rabkin, his kids and family and even Audrey Hall. 

I had heard somewhat of his baseball career along with his military experience. But my first knowledge of him was on TV and at Town Meeting. You could hear Dave from the front of the room and he was 50 feet away in the back at the check-in table. When he spoke at the podium, you paid attention. He inspired me to dress accordingly at Town Meeting. I could never look that good no matter the suit. He was a fixture at TM for a long time. I never served on a committee with him but I think we were both board members of AFTV long ago. He also inspired me to do my own talk show in the same studio. He had interviewed some of the biggest names in politics over the years, Karen, Markey, Chris, Deval Patrick, various candidates for state wide office and even local reps. And even a Libertarian candidate back in 2002.

Dave left a legacy in so many areas and too so many different people. Admired and respected for his contributions to our Town and country is his biggest legacy.

His obit is in Today's MWDN and tells a more complete story.


At January 11, 2022 at 12:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice words Jim about a true gentleman

At January 12, 2022 at 12:06 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

His wake was filled with his kids, grandchildren and great grandchildren. What a great family he leaves us.
And the un-masked detail cop inside the funeral home was a real surprise.

At January 13, 2022 at 4:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember watching your tribute show to Dave with all his kids and grandkids and the important people he had interviewed. It was great and nice to see him recognized while he could still enjoy it. Good job Jim. I do miss your show

At January 13, 2022 at 4:25 PM , Blogger jim pillsbury said...

I have good news.. I found a copy of the show in the safe in the attic. AF TV will play it I hope next week. I 'll post the url and schedule when I get it.

I was happy we got a chance to do it. I can't wait to see it again myself.

I miss doing the show as well.

At January 13, 2022 at 4:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't the family ask that everyone wear a mask? Wonder why the detail cop did not respect that request and surprised that he didn't

At January 17, 2022 at 4:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw your tribute to Dave on AF-tV today, and have also seen the other tribute that AF-TV did. Yours was miles above theirs. I forgot about how original your show was, including the band. I was remembering when you had a woman on talking about her sister being lost to domestic violence, and years later I saw that same woman of Fox news and Channel 5 news and big stories in the MW Daily. How did you always find this type of guest who then goes on to be part of the story on the big networks and papers? Another of my favorites was the story of the molasses flood in Boston. Another story I had never heard of until I saw it on your show.

At January 18, 2022 at 3:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great tribute you did to him on the JP Live show Jim. Such a class act he was.


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